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Can people please push for 100% renewable crypto mining and chips in the next 1/2 years? There isn’t a lot of time left.

Beyond crypto need to stop all deforestation now and focus on ways to make cities more livable by decreasing or moving homeless and increasing transit and affordability of housing. Cities need to be more livable and comfortable. This will drive down deforestation of suburbs and the extensive fossil fuel use involved in transportation and movement of people outside of denser urban areas.

There isn’t a lot of time left and action needs to be taken urgently.

Banning crypto mining would be a far easier solution and better for the world and humanity as a whole. No one is going to push for "100% renewable crypto mining", so just ban it completely.

Honestly it is absolutely unforgivable that people still push cryptocurrency in the face of the existential threat to humanity that global heating presents. It's a completely immoral, destructive, evil.

You know how much my household contributes? Add a few more zeroes. Do you know how much that car over there contributes? Very, very, very little. That plane? Hardly anything. Nothing poses an existential threat.

Your comment reads as if "crypto" is synonymous with "Proof of Work cryptos". Are you suggesting a blanket ban on all cryptocurrencies regardless of their electrical efficiencies, or specifically PoW-style mining?

PoW and PoS are both Proof of Waste. It's evil, especially so in this environment.

Humans need to co-operate to survive global heating, we cannot avoid trust, we need to make it easier to trust each other. If you buy into cryptocurrency you are implicitly abandoning hope of humanity surviving this crisis, in fact you're hastening our downfall.

If cryptocurrency energy usage is the straw that breaks the camel's back, we were doomed to begin with.

"We were heading off the cliff anyway, so I put my foot on the accelerator"

What do you want, us to stop using energy? That's not gonna happen, the best you can do is to have tried to limit carbon emissions decades ago, but it's far too late for anything like that. Fuck it, pedal to the metal.

No, I want us to stop wasting energy on anti-social ideas. I want governments to end an industry that produces a net-negative value and is at least 75% powered by coal.

Shame on your defeatist, destructive attitude.

"Anti-social ideas" is in the eye of the beholder, given that a society is generally a diverse social landscape. I know many people who consider cryptocurrencies to be one of the biggest social boons in recent times.

A unified, international ban on something is a nearly unprecedented achievement, apart from perhaps chemical weapons, and even then i'm not sure all nations had a seat at the table.

You also referred to cyprots as "evil" earlier in this thread. What specifically about cryptocurrencies has given you this strong sentiment? (To be clear i appreciate your passion on the topic, i'm legitimately trying to understand your viewpoint, if that isn't obvious).

On the opposite end of the morality spectrum, some people think it's absolutely unforgivable to continue supporting corrupt governments that irresponsibly inflate their fiat to unusable levels, which is a much more immediate concern for some people than the ice is melting ad nauseum for like 50+ years, and use crypto as an alternative store of wealth when their governments fail them. So, whatever, let China use their energy to solve some stupidly complex algorithms to process transactions. In the end, it won't even matter.

There is no time left and no significant action is being, or will be, taken. Prepare accordingly.

Yeah except for exponential increases in EV adoption, solar/wind power, and energy storage. Change is coming, and it's coming fast. Not saying it's enough, but it will make a significant difference.

What is a suitable way to prepare in your opinion?

If you are rich, you might or might not suffer some hardships. If you are poor, there probably isn't much you can do. The best advice is to become rich.


this sounds like "the beginner's guide to surviving the coming zombie apocalypse". Maybe you can prepare for a few days or weeks of isolation, but climate change does not just go away and get better. How long are your bullets really going to last?

Mining cryptocurrencies using renewable energy means that someone else has to use dirty energy.

Energy waste is energy waste, no matter what kind of energy it is wasting. Cryptocurrencies are, by design, pure waste, and the only rational action is to ban them before they do any more damage.

why do people think renewables are impact free?

I think we can agree the impacts are less.

do you think crypto mining at scale is acceptable if the power sources are solar and wind? if people were really concerned about the environmental impact, the miners would be turned OFF.

I'm fairly certain that most mining operations are based in China and are heavily incentivized to use hydroelectric power, but could be wrong on that. Saw articles of it floating around everytime this gets brought up.

If you wanna be urgent I got three words for ya:

  - Aeroplanes  
  - Cars  
  - Supermarkets  
We try to minimize usage of those and we're trying. We're not trying and thinking that renewabling crypto is going make a difference here is underestimating the level of shit we're already in with or without crypto.

Uhh... no. Air travel for example was 2.5% of global CO2 emissions in 2018. This kind of nonsense is almost as bad as denialism because it pushes the false "we can't radically cut CO2 without abandoning all modern technology!" narrative.

Yes, we absolutely can. Coal burning and only coal burning accounts for a whopping 61% of global manmade CO2 emissions. That means oil, gas, and agriculture are responsible for less than 50% of global emissions combined.

Phasing out coal for electricity generation in favor of renewables and nuclear is by far the #1 thing we can do. We could stop using airplanes entirely and it would make no measurable impact compared to closing even 10% of all global coal power plants.

The narrative should be that coal is the enemy. Keep it simple and bang the drum: coal, coal, coal. After coal there's a long tail of CO2 emitters and the next one to tackle is the next largest. That's probably oil for land and sea transport, which is far easier to replace with alternatives (mostly EVs) than aviation. By the time we get rid of >50% of coal power we might already have replaced a double digit percentage of the car fleet with EVs.

Air travel at 2.5% is not even worth bringing up.

You also need to increase taxes on imports from countries that burn coals if you ban coal. There is no point banning coal to import solar panels or EV car parts that are produced with cheap coal electricity.

Yes, that has to be part of the picture. Otherwise manufacturing will be a race to the environmental bottom (as it is today).

Sorry are we suggesting that bitcoin is more than air travel?

A significant issue is that we can't electrify international air travel. The 2.5% remains relevant.

> we can't radically cut CO2 without abandoning all modern technology!

That's you projecting, I never said that and you're basically trying to reject my input by misrepresenting me as a dismissible hippy which is a disgraceful way to debate.

It's not either/or. The key is reducing waste wherever we find it.

sure but the op of that thread acted like we just renewable bitcoin and job done. WE WERE FUCKED BEFORE BITCOIN.

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