This view is forced and implicitly claims there are some actual trends going on with some handpicked examples, and even then they're quite false. Give me a break. I think this complex/simple notion is black-and-white kind of wrong at the root of it, just throw in "powerful" in there and see how well that view fairs then.
> “I’m not writing it down to remember it later, I’m writing it down to remember it now.” The friction of having to write, to structure thoughts in plain text, to remember the name of the person I need to reference on this page: that is the point.
How about writing to forget it? For me, the point, more often than not, is to not have to remember what I am writing down. And if need be, come back to it later.
> “I’m not writing it down to remember it later, I’m writing it down to remember it now.” The friction of having to write, to structure thoughts in plain text, to remember the name of the person I need to reference on this page: that is the point.
How about writing to forget it? For me, the point, more often than not, is to not have to remember what I am writing down. And if need be, come back to it later.