Honestly, I always found precedence rules horribly ambiguous. I just use brackets for clarity and forget about it. Or is this considered 'bad practice'?
I've never found it to be an issue with math. Unary minus > powers > multiplication/division > addition/subtraction.
I have seen differences in the precedence of logical operators between languages (and > or but what happens when you have both math and logic in the same statement isn't entirely consistent) and always use parenthesis in those cases--although these days if Resharper says it's redundant I let it remove them.
I don't consider it bad practice to insert parentheses, especially with exponentiation because many people are less familiar with its precedence rules.
I think power (^) has higher precedence than subtract (-).
So (2^32-1)/10000 == ((2^32)-1)/10000
WolframAlpha agrees: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=%282%5E32-1%29%2F10000...