A few hours ago I was doing "repl driven development", meaning that I experimented with the repl, closed it by mistake (confusing Ctrl+D and Ctrl+C), tried to get the state I had before back using the up key, copied the history file into the project folder, removed everything unnecessary and pasted it into the repl again, and then kept developing by editing that file and pasting the result into the repl. I felt that this can't be it and made this as a demo of what I think a repl should be like.
Albeit in Clojure/Script, the Emacs + Cider experience is quite good, and I'm never using the REPL directly from CLI, I'm editing a file and sending forms to REPL that get eval'd inline. I wrote that sentence really backwards, sorry, I'm tired.
I do think a comment/title/something that uses the word "Javascript" would be helpful; I guessed it was so, but there's very little syntax here and I look at JS code about once a year on average.
It's javascript. It's not available as a framework, but you can make your own repl website based on the code[1]. Though of course it would be much harder for another language, since you can't use eval().
It's JavaScript. The REPL's code is evaluated by the page's JavaScript -- look directly in the page's source, there's an 'eval' call that evaluates the REPL's code.
This is fun. I'd really like to see an easy js scripting environment for slightly more complex logic. Though I suppose this accomplishes that since everything is reevaluated upon editing.
FYI If I highlight everything and delete, the right-hand side 'answers' remain there, with no text to the left