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Disregarding the geek and nostalgia factor. Why is this a feature of a specific application and not the WM?

In fact it's almost already there. Just put your terminal as first item in the task list, then press Win+1 to summon a terminal and then Win+1 again to hide it. All existing window location and focus rules stay the same. What's missing?

> Why is this a feature of a specific application and not the WM?

Presumably because it's quicker or easier to implement this at the application layer rather than at the WM layer. Also, it makes the functionality available no matter which WM one is using, including ones that don't support this natively.

Had no idea this existed. Haven’t seriously used windows (except to ssh into my Linux machines) in over a decade, though.

Had been literally doing this first as a "poor man's" quake mode since moving away from ConEmu - pretty soon realised it was just enough for me. So I'd rather they find an elegant solution to UAC elevation.

Very curious as to why you moved away from ConEmu. Can you share the motivating factors? Anything to be concerned about?

It just never really worked well for me in a multi-monitor setup with two screens and a docking station... Now, Windows itself is quite terrible with this and often moves windows between screens for no reason. For example, when primary screen takes a second longer to come back from sleep, all windows float to secondary one, at least that is what I guess is happening.

Now, with ConEmu, that also caused some rendering defects and I would have to hide/show window and sometimes reopen tabs to get it to work again. If I understand correctly, ConEmu does some sort of off screen rendering hack with conhost and then just synchronizes the bitmap to where its real window is. Though I may be completely wrong and that is not how it really works. But these issues have never occurred with WT.

Otherwise, I had nothing to complain about with ConEmu, especially its UAC handling is awesome. Unless we could have proper sudo on Windows, of course. That would be even better UX :)

I'm not the grandparent poster, but I notice ConEmu sometimes display my Linux terminal (connected via Cygwin's SSH) strangely after being resized, I would try to edit a file in Joe and trying to navigate would just update the 1st line of the console. I could scroll down in a less window but going up garbled the display...

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