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> I know in the EU we have protections under GDPR which allow us to request an explanation for an automated action, but I don't believe we have anyway to request human review.

There is, with limitations. The relevant part of GDPR is Article 22, "Automated individual decision-making, including profiling" (Full text: https://gdpr-info.eu/art-22-gdpr/)

This is probably the most restricted of the rights granted under GDPR. You have the right to manual review of algorithmic decisions, only when those decisions result in "legal effects concerning him or her or similarly significantly affects him or her."

Whether it applies to Google depends on how you interpret "similarly significantly affects," and that's something likely to vary from country to country and well beyond my experience with GDPR. If this were the US, I would expect that to include housing and employment. There's a much stronger argument that this right applies to a Google account if it represents a significant fraction of your business income.

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