Yeah but TED talks are _heavily_ edited from how they appear live on stage. TED puts an insane amount of effort into making the talks appear fluid and this is subconsciously I think partly why TED has been successful (everyone seems inhumanely perfect and articulate). If a TED talk bombs, it can be tricky to edit it into a coherent whole - I can imagine this is doubly hard with a comedian because timing is so important.
Source: I bombed a TED talk at TED 2011 in long beach. But I'm only 22 so hopefully I'll have a chance to do it again right in the future :)
Ah, I saw this talk from a live stream! Really felt your pain but I think the audience was sympathetic. I took it as a good lesson to have a demo-fallback which also works offline, although admittedly that's not as realistic.
we did have a fallback which worked offline. the problem was that without wifi we had to rely on the iPad's compass (previously, with wifi i was proxying gyroscope data from iPod Touches tucked in the back of the iPad cases) - normally this would have worked fine. when we were onstage with so many cameras there was so much current flying around that the compasses went completely haywire and we were truly fscked. I wasn't kidding when I said on stage that if the iPad 2 had come out a week earlier we wouldn't be having any problems :)
Very true, although I think in person we're less sensitive to "um"'s and "ah"'s than we are when watching video due to the expectations set by professionally produced TV and movies.
indirectly, yeah ( It's not up yet (despite all my testing/preparation the WiFi didn't really work so it was a little rough) - not sure if it will go up, I guess we'll known before TED 2012 :)`
Their handling of that whole thing was, for me, the breaking point when I could no longer give them benefit of the doubt or any longer take them seriously.
Interesting thought about reclaiming the word from where I sit. As a trained chef (baker), the verb "retard" is commonly used for its meaning of slowing something down. This is usually with bread making, especially sourdoughs. Yeast development can be retarded using colder environments to enable better flavor and texture. Honestly, I have a loaf of bread retarding in the refrigerator now, and I'll bake it in the morning.
Since I work often with bakers and baking companies (marketing), the word is used often and I've never once heard someone make a crack involving the word's derogatory usage. Yet, I know the word is not one considered acceptable to use to describe a person or one's actions. But how the word is used in my world obscured its obvious position as something ready to be reclaimed.
And it gets stress on the the first syllable where it's used as a noun, second syllable as a verb. cf "address", "attribute". (I do realize the noun–verb distinction doesn't come play in the UK for the former.)
Think of it from their point of view. They want to be known for brilliant talks, not crap ones. If it really was an awful talk, it devalues their brand to publish it.
I wrote a script to do that for you. [1] (and am having my server download the first fifty listed in the xml file).
I'd like to point out that there's a little bit under a thousand talks, so I highly recommend you only download a few videos at a time. (each video is about 40 mebibytes. [2] Roughly 40 gigs of video.)
Love this spread sheet!!! Who ever built, keep it up! There is just something so simple as a spreadsheet instead of tons of useless graphics especially when you already know and love the product.
"Ric Elias had a front-row seat on Flight 1549, the plane that crash-landed in the Hudson River in New York in January 2009. What went through his mind as the doomed plane went down? At TED, he tells his story publicly for the first time."
Love TED talks for the amount of information that is freely available to anyone with an internet connection. Alot of it isn't terribly useful, but just knowing what kind of amazing things the top minds in the world are thinking about and working on is a great way to remind ourselves what is really going on in the rest of the world outside of our current social bubbles.
I just knew someone else would have done this when I looked at the original story, that was the first thing I thought was missing - some context as to which ones are popular. Awesome!
Does anyone know of a way to keep synching all the TED videos as and when they are uploaded? My goal is to maintain a local copy on my machine so that I can view them whenever I like. Any downloaders that can do the job?
The itunes app has only 117 videos? Or are you mentioning some other method? While the link mentions a total of 936 downloads
My friends love TED Talks and I thought I share the spreadsheet on Facebook. I was surprised that Facebook
considers the link spammy and would not let me.
edit: I've noticed some slight errors, but they should be easily fixed. It was a quick copy paste job, and a quick edit in TextMate to remove extraneous rows. Sorry about that. If I had the time I'd clean it up nice. Maybe someone else would like to.
Why is it so difficult to make a private copy of this spreadsheet ? There are no download links, or an easy way in Google Spreadsheet to copy a document via URL !?!!
I watched 10 of them from 2011 and this is my favorite:
Online Filter bubbles. How people are becoming increasingly segregated, intellectually from the whole content of the web: