Feature request: Make the queries linkable. I think people would appreciate being able to have permalinks for themselves or HN leaders like tptacek, patio11 and jacquesm.
It would also be very interesting to see how the results for edw519 size up against his own curated comment list: http://edweissman.com/53640595
This is also good for your site. You'll get more links now because people can link to the particular things they're interested in rather than just the homepage.
Feature request: Make the queries linkable. I think people would appreciate being able to have permalinks for themselves or HN leaders like tptacek, patio11 and jacquesm.
It would also be very interesting to see how the results for edw519 size up against his own curated comment list: http://edweissman.com/53640595
Update: Thanks to bitovod for implementing the feature. There's now an ongoing list of the HN leaders at http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2662721