On June 12th, $3,5M were exchanged on MtGox. For 8 of the last 10 days, the daily volume has been above $1M. I think that you could get these $500K in small chunks in a few days, provided you do it full time.
Without an unbiased third party auditing of their accounts I would be loath to place too much trust in data they themselves produce to say how awesome they are. Especially with such a significant amount of capital allegedly at stake and nothing to lose for bending the truth.
On June 12th, $3,5M were exchanged on MtGox. For 8 of the last 10 days, the daily volume has been above $1M. I think that you could get these $500K in small chunks in a few days, provided you do it full time.
Edit -- Source: http://bitcoincharts.com/charts/mtgoxUSD#rg30zigDailyzvzcvzl...