Official response from the EMA indicates that the "leakers" (lightly?) manipulated the data, and did not simply pass it on unmodified:
> A closer investigation of the published material has revealed that not all of the documents were published in their integral, original form and may have been taken out of context. Whilst individual emails are authentic, data from different users were selected and aggregated, screenshots from multiple folders and mailboxes have been created and additional titles were added by the perpetrators in a way which could undermine trust in vaccines.
So basically they took out the most interesting parts and left the rest. So this is just spin from EMA.
"manipulated data" sounds like Orwellian double speak from the company.
I remember the planned parenthood video, where they where haggling over prices for parts. Planned parenthood claimed it was a manipulated video too. Because it was an excerpt. They even locked up somebody for making the video.
Never mind that the full unedited video was also released on the internet.
And a few years earlier I watched a documentary on CBC about a black market in body parts. Little bits and pieces used during surgery. Which this totally corroborated.
yeah, don't really want to get into it. But the videos where real. The haggling for the price of fetus parts was real. Planned Parenthood defence rest on the claim that they where not making a profit. Which would be akin to your dentist charging you $500 to take out your daughter's tooth, causing her extra pain during extraction to make sure the tooth came out whole, then secretly selling her tooth for tens of thousands with out her knowledge. Then after the dentist gets caught in an undercover video haggling over the price to a potential buyer. The courts decide that that he made no money because after he pays himself a million dollar salary, his business is basically brake even. In a final bit of dystopian irony they charge and jail the guy that made the undercover video.
"a Texas grand jury chartered to investigate Planned Parenthood found no wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood but instead indicted CMP founder David Daleiden and member Sandra Merritt"
It sounds like they got people together to go after PP and then it didn't turn out that way.
Doesn't that cut against the dystopia in your imagination where things are predetermined?
The parent wikipedia article shows that CMP attempted to entrap Planned Parenthood by offering them $1600 for fetal tissues, but PP declined. Mike Pence's own investigation found no evidence of wrongdoing. So no, you're wrong, and the proof is in the link you're replying to.
You're assuming "the most interesting parts" are from original documents and not doctored. There are many interests that create anti-vax campaigns, much of it coming from singular sources and brought to you by bots. Meaning somebody is making money or political power from it.
If there's actual proof the PP video was legitimate surely it's in that criminal case. Provide specific and high quality proof on specific instances, making wide generalizations does not make it convincing.
Which will show what kind of actions they did or did not actually go through. Are you basing the proof of pp selling parts soley based on an edited video?
> A closer investigation of the published material has revealed that not all of the documents were published in their integral, original form and may have been taken out of context. Whilst individual emails are authentic, data from different users were selected and aggregated, screenshots from multiple folders and mailboxes have been created and additional titles were added by the perpetrators in a way which could undermine trust in vaccines.