> Animals can be and are routinely put down just because their owners happen to feel like it.
I really have no idea why you're leaning into this non sequitur so hard. Yes. Many cruel things happen to humans and non humans. What that has to do with treating criminals as inherently sub-human I cannot surmise.
> If it's true that you'd feel worse about the arbitrary execution of a beloved pet than that of a criminal,
I don't understand the straw man argument here. If you're going to put words in my mouth at least make them close to what I'm saying.
I really have no idea why you're leaning into this non sequitur so hard. Yes. Many cruel things happen to humans and non humans. What that has to do with treating criminals as inherently sub-human I cannot surmise.
> If it's true that you'd feel worse about the arbitrary execution of a beloved pet than that of a criminal,
I don't understand the straw man argument here. If you're going to put words in my mouth at least make them close to what I'm saying.