> Git is too complicated. It's barely usable for daily tasks. Look at how many people have to Google for basic things like uncommitting a commit, or cleaning your local repo to mirror a remote one.
Cars are too complicated. They are barely usable for daily tasks. Look at how many people have to Google for basic things like changing a fan belt, or fixing cylinder head gasket.
You can fill in almost anything here. Most tools are complicated. Yet yo don’t need to know their ins and outs for them to be useful to you.
To me it sounds like you're proving the exact opposite. I'd assume most car owners never need to change a fan belt themselves, while everyone who uses git daily needed at some point to revert a commit. "How to turn right" isn't huge on stackoverflow last time I checked...
Cars are too complicated. They are barely usable for daily tasks. Look at how many people have to Google for basic things like changing a fan belt, or fixing cylinder head gasket.
You can fill in almost anything here. Most tools are complicated. Yet yo don’t need to know their ins and outs for them to be useful to you.