Is there a nice way to distribute a database across many systems?
Would this be useful for a data-set like Wikipedia?
It would be really nice if anyone could easily follow Wikipedia in such a way that anyone could fork it, and merge some changes, but not others, etc. This is something that really needs to happen for large, distributed data-sets.
I really want to see large corpuses of data that can have a ton of contributors sending pull requests to build out some great collaborative bastion of knowledge.
This is basically Wikidata [1], where the distribution is linked data/RDF with a triple store and federation to query different triple stores at once using SPARQL.
Would this be useful for a data-set like Wikipedia?
It would be really nice if anyone could easily follow Wikipedia in such a way that anyone could fork it, and merge some changes, but not others, etc. This is something that really needs to happen for large, distributed data-sets.
I really want to see large corpuses of data that can have a ton of contributors sending pull requests to build out some great collaborative bastion of knowledge.