To be fair, my page load checks aren't just is the site up and responding 200 but also page performance anomaly detection and stuff. So I want/need to see the performance minutely to be able to detectly in a quickish amount of time if the performance has degraded for the entire pageload. You could have a minute where it's slow and that is ok but if you have 5 minutes of it being slower than normal one after another then you have an issue. I feel if you're doing checks every few minutes your data won't be as good as doing it every 30 seconds. It is way more resources but honestly, I think it's the future of monitoring. Also, having multiple types of ways of calling a site via http to monitor it is way more complex.
The main offer is for order monitoring but I am in the middle of creating a just page load monitoring offer for others since I think that service by itself is super useful.
The main offer is for order monitoring but I am in the middle of creating a just page load monitoring offer for others since I think that service by itself is super useful.