I'm a huge, long time fan of SpaceX and Tesla Motors, and I've found inspiration in some of the things that Elon Musk has shared over the years.
> greatest man alive today
I don't think that's a characterization that can be sustained or not with any level of objectivity.
What I am sure of is that for various reasons, good and bad, Elon Musk is a very polarizing figure, and his missions are best served by studiously avoiding anything akin to lionization or hero worship.
I don't think I've ever seen that phrase before, and I don't know what it means. (:
> coolest human being to ever live
I tend to reflexively reject superlatives for various reasons. I'm comfortable saying that some of the stuff Musk is working on has enormous potential for positive outcomes, and I'd have a hard time coming up with a single person in recent history that had unambiguously produced more possible positive impact.
There are a lot of individuals in recent history who have produced enormous positive outcomes, though typically without as much 'flare' as Musk.
While tongue in cheek, I do entertain this idea sometimes.
What I meant was, if one could quantify the minimizing of the output of CO2 by greatly accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles, and largely credit that to Musk, would that make him the “coolest?”
> greatest man alive today
I don't think that's a characterization that can be sustained or not with any level of objectivity.
What I am sure of is that for various reasons, good and bad, Elon Musk is a very polarizing figure, and his missions are best served by studiously avoiding anything akin to lionization or hero worship.