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This is great stuff, Jeff. I sponsored athens for a while—stopped after you got funded by YC—but I'm still glad things are going well.

Now that there are a couple of apps that are doing this kind of thing, I think it might be time to start looking at whether bi-directional links could be a W3 standard in some way (i.e. a standard bidirectional link metadata endpoint). It'd be awesome to bi-directionally link across from athens/roam to github to matrix.

Perhaps the concepts need a few more years to bubble and mix a little, but start thinking about how this could work.

https://twitter.com/flancian is working on a generic tech that would bridge notetaking apps together. The important syntax we all agree on is [[wikilinks]] and some subset of markdown, but anything beyond that would require pretty close coordination.

I do wonder if additional features are added, especially those that are not plain-text, how they would be supported. Even markdown-based notetakings struggle with block refs.

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