* Call my wife (or $person)
* tell $person $message - sends a text eg: “tell Dave ETA 25min”
* ping $myname iPad - plays sound on my iPad so I can find it.
* set timer for $duration (I wish Siri wouldn’t be so loud in acknowledging)
* remind me $task on $date $time (you can switch the arguments around)
* take me home
* redial
* take me to $location (mostly used in my car)
Edit: found a list online [1] - seems to cover a lot of default commands
[1] https://www.sparhandy.de/apple/info/siri-commands/
Hey Siri, speak quieter / speak at 25%
Example (NSFW/NSFL/gross): https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeMeSuffer/comments/l8d0qo/who_kn...
* Call my wife (or $person)
* tell $person $message - sends a text eg: “tell Dave ETA 25min”
* ping $myname iPad - plays sound on my iPad so I can find it.
* set timer for $duration (I wish Siri wouldn’t be so loud in acknowledging)
* remind me $task on $date $time (you can switch the arguments around)
* take me home
* redial
* take me to $location (mostly used in my car)