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Technosolutionism Isn’t the Fix (hedgehogreview.com)
117 points by pseudolus on Jan 18, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 77 comments

This is an unconvincing article. If we look past the paragraphs of emotional appeals, the actual results for "technosolutionism" during the pandemic are this:

China created a technosolutionist fix. They implemented it widely with government backing. It was invasive but worked.

South Korea created a technosolutionist fix, which was less invasive than China's. It was implemented widely with government backing. It also worked.

Apple/Google created a technosolutionist fix. It was not implemented in the US and did not receive government backing. It did not work. The article claims this disparity is really because South Korea is "homogenous" and "trusting".

The US instead attempted to implement "proven measures" that "relied on the public . . . to adhere to them." This also did not work, for the reason technosolutionists said it wouldn't: the public didn't adhere to them.

What part of this is supposed to show that "technosolutionism isn't the fix?"

The article uses Zoom as an example of a bad technical solution. But Zoom and similar video software is the only reason a lot of people still have jobs, or can see the faces of their family and friends. That's a lot more concrete and important than the "event boundaries" and other hand-wavy psychology theory the author complains about.

Imagine if this pandemic had happened in 1990, or even 2000. The web would have been nonexistent (in 1990) or quite young (in 2000). There was not much video conferencing software available, and most people didn't have broadband anyway. Many more people would have been unable to do their jobs from home than is the case today, so many more would have been unemployed.

Let's invert the article and talk about all the technological solutions that have improved life during the pandemic:

- Video conferencing saves jobs, make remote learning possible, and enables people to see the faces of their friends and family.

- Delivery services make it easier for people to quarantine at home and avoid risking exposure in grocery stores and restaurants. They also help keep many restaurants in business, as most restaurants do not have (and cannot afford) their own staff of drivers.

- Streaming services help people stay sane while cooped up at home.

Throughout the pandemic, a lot of tech products that people used to criticize as useless have proven very useful.

Vietnam created a technosolutionist fix, it was also implemented widely with government backing. It did also work.

And now its being used by police to crack down on specific groups and individuals that the government doesn't particularly like, even after that same government assured the Vietnamese people that this data wouldn't be used in such a way.

> The US instead attempted to implement "proven measures" that "relied on the public . . . to adhere to them." This also did not work, for the reason technosolutionists said it wouldn't: the public didn't adhere to them.

It didn't work because America is advanced freedom. Not freedom in the sense of, "You're free to eat sushi or have a burger instead," but freedom in the sense of, "You're free to make a cornucopia of bad choices... but you're going to be free to suffer from them too."

The best quote I've ever heard in regards to this: "The true price of freedom is having to endure what other people do with it."

I don't agree that being forced to suffer the consequences of other people's poor decisions is freedom. To counterquote: "Your right to swing your arm leaves off where my right not to have my nose struck begins."

Attributed to many famous people over the years, this originally comes from John B. Finch, a 19th century chair of the Prohibition National Committee. While Prohibition failed miserably in aggregate, its ongoing legacy of (American!) laws against drunk driving and public drunkenness are perfectly good examples of how this ethos works and why it's important.

Freedom vs. authoritarianism isn't quite the thing being pointed at here, but there is a concept that the GP's post is getting at: freedom vs. paternalism.

The difference between a paternalistic and non-paternalistic state, is basically that a paternalistic state tries to actively prevent you — i.e. render you incapable of doing — things it doesn't want you to do; while a non-paternalistic state merely punishes you for doing things, hoping you'll stop yourself from doing those things by considering the potential consequences.

In a non-paternalistic state, you do kind of have the right to strike people in the nose... once. Those other people just have the right to seek justice for you having done that, and the government has a right to put you in jail for having done that — whereupon you'll have your right to strike people in the nose taken away, by being led around in manacles. But once you've served your time and return to the outside world, you'll again have the right to strike people in the nose. Once.

A paternalistic state, meanwhile, looks like e.g. having people diagnosed with Intermittent Explosive Disorder involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital (despite never having yet actually attacked anyone) unless/until they agree to take drugs to "control" the disorder. Literally trying to ensure that such people never strike someone in the nose in the first place.

Americans don't actually fear authoritarianism (e.g. harsh punishments, for many different offenses); they mostly fear paternalism.

> they mostly fear paternalism.

This doesn't entirely ring true either. Lots of people are all for it as long as it is restricting behavior they themselves don't like, or enforcing ones' they do.

The Civil Rights Act literally prevents people from discriminating based on race amongst other criteria. ADA literally prevents people from living the disabled to fend for themselves. Curious what segment of Americans fear paternalism.

The segment who opposed the Civil Rights Act, including the senators who filibustered it for nearly 60 days to force a compromised version and the business owners who openly defied it for years in protest, seems like a good place to start.

> The difference between a paternalistic and non-paternalistic state, is basically that a paternalistic state tries to actively prevent you, while a non-paternalistic state merely punishes you

Paternalistic: I truely hate PC shit, but that seems like a terribly misogynistic word, I guess someone needs to discipline our forebears. And my own cultural stereotypes are that mothers have rules, and punishment is something a father does (in complete opposition to that definition?!).

> non-paternalistic

Now I wonder how often we think of a man as maternalistic, however not being maternalistic is mostly pretty bad: https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/the-opposite-of/maternalis...

Your analogies fall short when talking about a microscopic virus.

It's funny how many people underestimate this virus in terms of its ability to mutate and spread.

And it's laughable that people think this can be contained with 'contact tracing' and 'monitoring' the movements of private citizens. It is a force of nature.

Contact tracing simply gives the illusion of control while giving governments and excuse to spy.

How easily free citizens give up basic fundamental rights in the name of Fear.

And yet, China, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Thailand, and Vietnam have managed to stop the virus. Weird how that works.

Ah so they have cured themselves of the virus have they?

South Korea is 4 times smaller than California. And its population many times more homogeneous than any of the 50 states.

New Zealand is an island nation with half the population of New Jersey

Thailand has had several recent outbreaks and hotspots.

Also that you believe Chinas/Vietnam/Thailands reporting is making a lot of assumptions. Governments in SE Asia have a very strong hold on what gets reported. You absolutely cannot trust the numbers they are reporting. To do so is irresponsible at best.

Weird how you compare apples to oranges and expect it to be a fair comparison.

Fear is a great motivator for giving up individual freedoms. That much is clear. How easily we give up our fundamental rights in the name of security and fear.

I'd love to be in a situation with some recent outbreaks and hotspots instead of it being the entire country. Or even if New Jersey was free. Or even one city.

The only reason it's apples-to-oranges is this continued belief that America is somehow special. This has caused all countermeasures to be ineffectual, half-assed, and incomplete.

But America is special.

We are a melting pot of thousands of different cultures coming in and out all the time. There are not many other countries like America. Certainly not on our scale if they are similar.

Of course we were going to get a bad case of Covid.

Could the response have been better? Of course.

But we are uniquely special in this way. Our diversity is usually an asset. In this case it was a detriment.

I think the quote isn't referring to somebody having a direct impact on you, but rather that you have to put up with their immoral behavior (in your view). In a free society a religious fundamentalist has to tolerate atheists.

Drunk driving and public drunkenness laws are mostly practical. They are a restriction on people's freedom before they've harmed other. The laws are preventative in nature and exist to preempt harm that reckless behavior could cause. They're not good for modeling the principles of a free society on, because you'd quickly arrive at a paternalistic surveillance state. The laws are a compromise between safety and freedom.

> I don't agree that being forced to suffer the consequences of other people's poor decisions is freedom.

You're not forced to suffer the consequences. You have the freedom to adopt countermeasures. You can drive defensively and stay alert when behind the wheel as a countermeasure against other drivers possibly being drunk. You can wear a mask (properly), social distance, avoid crowds, etc., as a countermeasure against other people possibly having an infectious disease. That's how it's supposed to work in a free society.

> While Prohibition failed miserably in aggregate, its ongoing legacy of (American!) laws against drunk driving and public drunkenness are perfectly good examples of how this ethos works and why it's important.

The reason why the laws you refer to work reasonably well in America is that they are only enforced when someone has already made a mistake. We don't have roadblocks everywhere with cops forcibly administering breathalyzers to all drivers to make sure none of them are drunk. We don't have cops going around cities forcibly administering breathalyzers to everyone walking on the streets to make sure none of them are drunk. We only enforce those laws when someone has already done something like cause an accident, or drive erratically enough to get a cop's attention, or behave in public in a way that is obviously due to drunkenness.

And that very method of enforcement means that you, the individual citizen, cannot depend on it to protect you individually. In other words, those laws are not shielding you, individually, from the consequences of other people's bad decisions. You still have to adopt your own countermeasures when you drive, because you can't assume that every other driver is sober. And, again, that's the way it's supposed to work in a free society.

> You're not forced to suffer the consequences. You have the freedom to adopt countermeasures. You can drive defensively and stay alert when behind the wheel as a countermeasure against other drivers possibly being drunk. You can wear a mask (properly), social distance, avoid crowds, etc., as a countermeasure against other people possibly having an infectious disease. That's how it's supposed to work in a free society.

In this case, the consequences extend beyond merely contracting COVID-19. The consequences also include society-wide social and economic impacts that are amplified disproportionately by people who make "poor decisions".

> We don't have roadblocks everywhere with cops forcibly administering breathalyzers to all drivers to make sure none of them are drunk.

We absolutely do. You probably live in one of the minority of states in which they are not legal.

> The consequences also include society-wide social and economic impacts

Which are not the result of individual people's poor decisions, but of our society's extreme overreaction to any kind of risk.

> We absolutely do.

Where? Please point me at the states where cops are doing this routinely. I have driven in many states and have never seen it done except at particular special events.

> Where?

If you go to a tourist destination over the summer, there is a good chance you'll see it in a few states. Ive personally driven through them in California.

But, they are not "required" in the sense that you can technically make a (legal) U turn to avoid them and go a different direction.

Here is a link with a bit of info about them. https://dui.laws.com/checkpoint

> Here is a link with a bit of info about them

Thanks for the information. This is still only in certain places (I notice you mention tourist destinations--yes, that's the kind of place I would expect this to be done), not "everywhere", and it certainly doesn't mean that you or I as sober drivers can relax and believe that we are not still at risk from other drivers possibly being drunk. But I agree it does go beyond only enforcing the laws when someone has already made a mistake (unless you count "driving into a visible DUI checkpoint when you know you're drunk" as a mistake).

> You're not forced to suffer the consequences.

I'm having trouble reading this in any way where it isn't obviously false.

Unless there's a secret source of hazmat suits I haven't heard about, other people's poor behavior in a pandemic creates a measurable, deadly risk to the people who follow the guidelines.

> other people's poor behavior in a pandemic creates a measurable, deadly risk to the people who follow the guidelines.

How much of a risk, compared to all the other risks we all undergo every day?

Also, how much of the risk is not there if you really, truly follow the guidelines? I see a lot of people who might think they are, but they're not. They don't wear their masks properly, or they wear a loose weave cloth bandana or scarf instead of an actual mask. They don't actually social distance--for example, I routinely see people in the checkout line at the supermarket not even making use of the 6-feet-apart markings that the store has put on the floor. They don't avoid crowds. They don't minimize the time they spend in indoor spaces that aren't their home.

In other words, you don't need a hazmat suit to mitigate the risk. But you do need to pay attention to detail and understand what properly following the guidelines actually means.

> How much of a risk, compared to all the other risks we all undergo every day?

For a single didactic example-- someone with diabetes walking in to pick up a take-out salad from a bar filled with unmasked people is normally a very low risk activity.

That same activity in a pandemic where percentage positive is approaching uncontrolled spread is prohibitively risky.

Am I missing a hidden premise here that's causing you to dig in your heels? It feels legitimately odd to need to explicitly defend the idea that there exist inescapable negative consequences for the wider community when a critical mass of people actively shirk their responsibility to be safe during a pandemic.

Edit: clarification

> someone with diabetes walking in to pick up a take-out salad from a bar

Can simply not do that in the current high risk environment. There are plenty of places offering take out food that don't require you to go into a room full of unmasked people to pick it up. So voting with your wallet seems like a perfectly viable option to incentivize businesses to take proper precautions and ensure that their customers do.

Also, are you assuming this person with diabetes is properly following all the guidelines? Are they wearing an appropriate mask, and wearing it properly (covering both their mouth and nose with a good seal all around)? Are they washing their hands right afterwards? (Or wearing gloves--my wife and I do that in cases where we can't be sure about whatever we're going to have to touch.) Are they minimizing the time they spend in enclosed spaces that aren't their home? Those are all things you can do to mitigate risk in situations where you have to go somewhere, such as the grocery store.

> It feels legitimately odd to need to explicitly defend the idea that there exist inescapable negative consequences

They're not "inescapable". That's the point. If you know you live in a society where a lot of people are not taking proper precautions, then you can take that into account in planning your own life and taking your own precautions. My wife and I have been doing that since the end of February 2020. It's doable. And since it's doable, I don't buy the claim that there are "inescapable" negative consequences.

You can't see someone catch COVID-19. You can't see someone infected with COVID-19.

You can see someone drink a beer. You can see someone acting as though they were drunk.

You can't have a free society without assuming a high degree of risk, period. That's part of the deal. You want a large amount of freedom, you have to accept a large amount of risk. People who can't cope with that need to realize America is not the place for them. I will actively work against people who want to reduce freedoms in America - of all kinds. Freedom is hard, requires work, and sometimes sucks. That's part of the deal.

> You can't see someone catch COVID-19. You can't see someone infected with COVID-19.

This particular problem, though, seems like the kind of problem that is amenable to a techno-solution. If there were a quick way to scan someone to see if they were shedding SARS-CoV-2 virus particles, you could see who was infected, or at least who was contagious, which is the thing to be worried about. Attempts to, for example, take people's temperature before entering a hospital or nursing facility as a visitor are attempts at this sort of technical solution, though of course they are much less accurate than a hypothetical "who is shedding virus particles" detector would be.

So this case would seem to go against the point of the article that started this thread discussion; in a free society, technosolutionism is often the best fix.

> The reason why the laws you refer to work reasonably well in America is that they are only enforced when someone has already made a mistake.

That depends on the law correctly defining a line that separates a “mistake” from everything else. All we have to do is look at 26 years of the 55 mph speed limit to shatter that naive view.

> That depends on the law correctly defining a line that separates a “mistake” from everything else

That line isn't defined by the law--that's my point. If you drive with a blood alcohol level over the legal limit, even if you don't cause an accident and don't do anything erratic that gets a cop's attention, you are still breaking the law, just as if you drive at 56 mph in a 55 mph zone. But everybody knows that the actual law is not enforced as it is written, because it can't be. Instead we rely on vague limits imposed by the resources available to the police and their individual judgment about what counts as behavior that is abnormal enough to get their attention. And we also have to put up with the fact that the cops can use the letter of the law as a revenue source if they want to; they can always post some extra cops with radar guns in places where they know people routinely speed, and harvest a bunch of tickets any time they feel like it.

Personally, I would prefer not having laws that can't be enforced as written in the first place. Everyone knows it's impossible to catch everyone who exceeds the speed limit on a highway--so the speed limit should not be a law in the first place. It should be advisory; the actual law should be something along the lines of "the posted speed limit is the government's best judgment of a maximum safe speed; just exceeding that speed, by itself, does not violate any law, but if you cause an accident and are found to be exceeding the posted speed limit, you are presumed to be at fault and face greater legal liability". A similar provision would apply to drunk driving: just driving with BAL over the limit would not break any law, but if you cause an accident, you are presumed to be at fault and face greater legal liability. That way the actual law could be enforced as written, and the vast majority of people who break the letter of the law as it is written now but never cause any actual harm wouldn't have to worry about playing cat and mouse games with cops.

I like that. Basically it puts meaning into prima facie provisions in laws, plus it focuses law enforcement on TARGETING ACTUAL UNSAFE BEHAVIOR, not simply raking it in with numbers-based enforcement.

They are not free to violate my right to life by being unwilling to follow basic public health measures.

Clearly they are. Maybe they shouldn't have that freedom, but they do.

In the United States, a lot of law enforcement agencies have announced that they will not enforce stay-at-home orders, curfews, or mandatory mask wearing. Businesses can call the police to kick people out if they don't wear masks, but not because of some new mask-related law -- businesses already had the legal right to kick people out if they refuse to leave. If you're seen on the street without a mask, the police might ask you to put one on, or they might say nothing at all, but they are very unlikely to fine you.

All of those things are true in California, which is considered to have some of the strictest restrictions in the country. Most other states are less strict.

Yes they are.

You didn't lock people up for giving your Grandma the flu even though it may have killed her.

That you think you can enforce or shame people into giving up freedom of movement (what's more fundamental then being able to leave your house?) is beyond reasonable or rational.

You could extend this reasoning to all viruses that are deadly to some population of people, including the flu and the regular old cold virus.

Where do you draw the line? Even government officials can't keep to their own policies. Look at Newsom dining out.

"Do as I say. Not as I do" that's the message.

You are free to shut yourself in your basement for the next two years but you can never hope to force other humans inside and shame them into doing so.

It won't work. It's absolutely impractical in a democracy. And if you try to make it work you will do so at great costs.

Fear. What a great motivator.

Some states have abolished laws that made it a crime to knowingly give people AIDS because it is 'stigmatising'. Yet those same people harp on about people not wearing masks are 'murders'. The hypocrisy is staggering.

I don't believe that it simply boils down to "advanced freedom." Although this is a very fraught topic, most sociologists would say the East Asian countries you mentioned generally engage in more "collectivist" modes of decision-making. (To what extent the individuals themselves vs. their cultures are "collectivist" is hotly debated, but I won't wade into that here). To me this seems directly related to the problem at hand: individuals in Japan or Taiwan generally had the freedom to make bad choices, but instead chose not to; individuals in the United States or the UK had the same freedoms but as a whole made different choices.

Free as in the five eyes already mutually spy on each other and then share the data, that is pretty much as invasive as what Vietnam added, to get around the rules on not spying on their own citizens.

> China created a technosolutionist fix.

China runs on an authoritarian regime. Whatever success they can claim against the pandemic is less about technology and more about the ability to enforce draconian rules.

Neither China or South Korea created technological solutions. The solutions in both countries are social.

China used some good old communist methods, mobilise the entire population in the fight against the virus. Virtually every apartment building had someone sitting in front of it taking temperature. Every restaurant had. When someone was sick, two others were checking in and ensuring that people comply with regulation and go shopping for them. When China had one case in a city they cordoned off half a million people and tested millions.

South Korea wasn't quite as stringent with lockdowns but it worked the same way, compliance of the population, quick testing and human tracing. Same in Taiwan. What worked there was giving you a phone, locking you in your apartment, having the health department call on you three times per day and fining you 10k bucks if you didn't listen.

The tracing apps did, to put it mildly, jack shit. The solution, which is why a lot of Asian countries, even relatively poor ones like Vietnam, made it out of this, was adherence to law and compliance and harsh measures for those who fell out of line.

Throwing some random Apple dongle at every problem fixes exactly nothing, you can install a hundred apps on your phone, if your entire population has lost the collective will to actually act in coordinated fashion you're in the dog house.

dunno about sk. but doesn't cn also have a contact tracing system where u have to "login" to physical buildings?

and use of cctv footage to help contact tracing?

its not just people and phone calls?

Well, it seems like the distinction in the cases is not the amount of technosolutionism but the amount of government backing, no?

Quoting the article on that precise point:

> Critics of the technosolutionist approach point out that contact tracing apps, which were quickly embraced in countries like China and South Korea, were effective only if public health services were also able to successfully test the majority of people at risk, something that has yet to occur in the United States.

Technology is a necessary component of many solutions, but is rarely per se the solution. The old internet saying "There are no technical solutions to social problems" comes to mind - it doesn't mean that technology can't contribute to the solution (many social problems have solutions that require statistical models, cookies, higher-performance internet connections, Spanner, whatever), it just means that the technology doesn't solve the problem on its own. Wikipedia, for instance, would not be what it is without the wiki, but it is certainly not simply the wiki - it's the decades of writing that happened on the wiki.

Many people set up their own wiki, in the wake of Wikipedia, hoping to see the same success. Very few of them ended up working.

Technical-component-of-a-social-solution-ism is not technosolutionism. The article defines technosolutionism as follows: "Technosolutionism is a way of understanding the world that assigns priority to engineered solutions to human problems. Its first principle is the notion that an app, a machine, a software program, or an algorithm offers the best solution to any complicated problem."

All the projects from March to build 3D-printed ventilators at home, for instance, were technosolutionism. There's a lack of a physical item; we have 3D printers. Obviously we can 3D print our way out of the problem!

I'd argue that https://www.vaccinateca.com/ , for instance, is not technosolutionism in the definition above, despite it relying on a website and Airtable (https://twitter.com/patio11/status/1350539166296100864), because they're not saying "We can build a platform for pharmacies to enter data," they're saying "We're going to call up pharmacists, ourselves, and type what they say into a spreadsheet." Of course there's a lot of technical work that went into Airtable. But the difference, I think, is that they set out to solve a problem, and along the way they found a place where technology can help; they didn't set out to find a use for technology.

Yes, and the ultimate technosolution by the west is a vaccine.

I agree, it's a nuanced issue. IMHO, the pandemic was heavily exacerbated by technosolutionism (air travel), which makes this sort of analysis difficult. At this stage in society, it's basically "is technology the solution for problems created by technology?" That's been a long-running debate with no clear answer.

It's always been like this, ever since our ancestors figured out how to use stones to smash things. Technology solves problems and reveals or creates new ones. Which are to be solved with more technology.

It's somewhat obvious point if one looks at what the word means - "the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes".

> Technosolutionists were blithely dismissive of such proven measures [...] because the recommendations relied on the public (that mass of humanity whom technosolutionists, in the main, view as irrational and misguided) to adhere to them voluntarily.

Big fan of techno-solutionist critique in general, but the one critique that frustrates me is "Solution X is bad because we could do Solution Y instead." Don't yell at people doing something to help (as it happens, probably the _only_ way they know to help) because some other people, with some other expertise, could theoretically do it differently/better/more human.

> the same sort of surveillance used to track the spread of a virus can just as easily track one’s movements during a political protest

This is the type of critique that's productive: "your thing helps in one way, but not in another; let's figure out how to max(good) and min(bad)"

>Don't yell at people doing something to help (as it happens, probably the _only_ way they know to help) because some other people, with some other expertise, could theoretically do it differently/better/more human.

This seems to rest on the premise that doing something is always better than doing nothing, which may actually not be the case. It's possible that the "solution" just makes things worse/complicates implementing better, longer-term solutions.

The "_only_ way they know to help" part especially raises red flags, because it's exactly that narrow-mindedness and ignorance of context and alternatives that leads to "if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail" thinking. A big problem with "technosolutionism", as the article calls it, is precisely people forcing complex social, political, economic, cultural, etc. problems into the technical paradigms with which they are familiar, and then attempting to solve those problems as if they were technical or engineering issues.

> This seems to rest on the premise that doing something is always better than doing nothing

Not always, just often. Typically, smart people trying hard to help end up helping. This is my point: you're saying "stop trying to help if you're not capable of totally solving the problem." Giving one piece of a super complicated puzzle is a legit contribution.

Imagine I build "Uber for Food Banks." Instead of a physical food bank, you punch in that app "I need help this month" and someone delivers food to you for free. Imagine it takes off and triples the amount of food aid in the US.

This technosolution completely, 100% ignores the "complex, social political, economic, cultural etc." components of food insecurity. It won't solve the problem.

A valid critique is: "Because social services beyond food are serendipitously delivered through traditional food bank infra, you need to help sustain the traditional infra while expanding the delivery, even if the infra may look different (e.g., transform into medical clinics)."

A bad critique is: "Because social services beyond food are serendipitously delivered through traditional food bank infra, you shouldn't build Uber for Food Banks."

Rich people don't get to look at a problem and say "the only solution is a perfect solution." Help how you can, dude.

"Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good" may also be relevant here. By all means, criticize proposals to help weed out those that are truly bad and to refine those with problems into something better, but don't rule them out entirely because they don't check every box.

Obviously every situation is different and cost-to-benefit must always be weighed, but I think it's often better to implement an imperfect solution while waiting on something better.

> It's possible that the "solution" just makes things worse/complicates implementing better, longer-term solutions.

I would go further, and suggest that nearly all social interventions make things worse. Extreme caution is especially necessary if the intervention is top-down.

>complicates implementing better, longer-term solutions.

The problem is that nobody is actually implementing them. Comprehensive public housing doesn't exist. There are no construction sites, there is no program, there is no money, there is no will. It's just talk. The only time it has a real impact on anyone's housing situation is when it's the reason to block a private development and maintain status quo.

Comprehensive public transit doesn't exist. The agency is in year 5 of 10 for community consultations about adding 1.5 more miles of joke to the pile of jokes. We know how fast it can expand and what it costs. Becoming remotely as useful as TNCs or scooters or whatever would take 3 generations to build and consume the entire productive capacity of 5. Everyone knows this, which is why no one is seriously trying. The realest that the proposal will ever be is when it is listed as the rationale for blocking scooters/TNCs/whatever.

Credibility on the right way to solve a problem is earned through progress. The "real solution" people will say they don't have the capital needed to make progress. Well, part of being a real solution is having a workable funding story. If the opposition is reliably defeating attempts to fund it, there you go. Not a real solution.

>Big fan of techno-solutionist critique in general, but the one critique that frustrates me is "Solution X is bad because we could do Solution Y instead." Don't yell at people doing something to help (as it happens, probably the _only_ way they know to help) because some other people, with some other expertise, could theoretically do it differently/better/more human.

not exactly sure what you mean by this... do you really think Zoom is just 'trying to help'? They're a corporation trying to make money you can't seriously think they actually give a shit about 'helping' or whatever.

My issue with the article that o treat technosolutionism as something imposed on society by engineers misses the point entirely. Technosolutionism is a response to the complete failure of our deliberative democratic institutions to deliver actual solutions to our problems. It is not reasonable to ask people to trust their institutions when they have frequently and completely failed the people they were created to serve. If we want people to trust deliberative democratic processes, and I think we should, then we need to ensure those bodies are actually capable of functioning.

> Technosolutionists were blithely dismissive of such proven measures not only because their advocates were often inconsistent in their advice (don’t wear a mask, wear a mask) but because the recommendations relied on the public (that mass of humanity whom technosolutionists, in the main, view as irrational and misguided) to adhere to them voluntarily.

Sounds like the technosolutionists were right on the money?

>Technosolutionism is a way of understanding the world that assigns priority to engineered solutions to human problems. Its first principle is the notion that an app, a machine, a software program, or an algorithm offers the best solution to any complicated problem.

Critics of "technosolutionism" as the author calls it often end up committing the same mistake backwards. Why implement an unpopular, slow, inconsistent and/or expensive social reform when a perfectly good technology does exist?

One example is noise pollution. We continue to build buildings with thin walls where even the "recommended" STC 50 means that you can hear "loud speech" through the wall, to say nothing of music:


Then we waste inordinate amounts of time and energy fining noise violations, which fails to actually prevent noise, but does do a good job of making young people hate the cops. After more than 10 years living in what passes for multi-unit housing in the United States, I still lie awake at night wishing for technosolutionism to put a proper wall between me and my neighbors.

An aside: to say we should use technology build to better sound insulation is one thing, but first we have to build at all, which some American cities cannot even manage. This old 1920s-built 3 bedroom 1 bathroom unit I live in rents out at $3500/mo. Renovation is vastly cheaper than demolition/reconstruction (assuming such a thing could even be approved).

I think what underpins this type of criticism is an irrational desire for computationalism as a general philosophy to be wrong and inapplicable, despite the dramatic empirical success it enjoys.

> “ Technosolutionism is a way of understanding the world that assigns priority to engineered solutions to human problems. Its first principle is the notion that an app, a machine, a software program, or an algorithm offers the best solution to any complicated problem.”

But you can’t escape science. Whatever is a solution, if it can be reduced to repeatable physical processes and computational substrates, is amenable to engineering and engineering has almost universally made such solutions more scalable, more reliable, safer, more affordable and so on.

I think there is a dangerous Luddite narrative underpinning this that ultimately is not self-consistent and likely to do more harm than good.

Also anecdotally, as an introvert, I can’t overstate how much happier I feel working from home. I’ll take all the flaws of videoconferencing any day, over the constant fight-vs-flight reflex exhaustion of open plan offices and a constant stream of in-person interaction when I need solitude and privacy to get mental clarity about my work.

> I think there is a dangerous Luddite narrative ...

What was ever dangerous about the actual Luddites, as opposed to the story told about the Luddites by their foes?

Applying headwinds to progress causes immense compounded harm.

"Progress" is an undefined, or ill-defined, and highly subjective term. In the 90's, Chris Lasch even argued that it was a relatively new concept, and unknown to his favorite class of human being (the "yeoman", with the traditional US family farmer as a key example, though the concept goes back to at least the Greeks).

The Luddites were not against progress. They were against specific forms of progress in which they (1) had no say (2) lost their livelihoods (3) to others who benefitted in what they considered unreasonable ways.

I think I'm the only one here who liked this article.

While there are some good, albeit somewhat pedantic, points raised in the comments. I think we may be missing the forest for the trees.

There is a sort of sophomoric myopia that exists in silicon valley and maybe it's not technology per se that is the problem, but in fact the incentives created around the tech community. I think the problem is more accurately described as the combination of access to large amounts of capital and low cost mass communication/experimentation technologies (i.e. the internet). This has a created a culture that thinks they can solve any problem with one of the two.

But I think what's even worse is that the solutionists subconsciously have an unspoken prerequisite to "solving" a problem, which is "It needs to be wildly profitable". And it's that incentive that lead to the myopia and pervert the "solutions" they create.

Instacart and Uber are great examples. Did they actually solve a problem? For whom did they solve it for? For whom did they not solve it for? Did they make certain things worse than they were before? You probably have your own answers to those questions.

I liked it too. In the case of the pandemic, if we were as smart as we think we are, we would’ve had the public doing drills. We didn’t put in the work ahead of time. The countries that’ve done well are the countries that faced SARS back in 2003.

I don’t blame anybody for not wanting to go along with these just-in-time pandemic fixes or for self-soothing with misinformation. Educational initiatives would’ve been funded and followed during swine flu with little difficulty. We’ve had ten years to pull together a well-orchestrated plan and build up our societal immune system.

Technosolutionism doesn't seem to have a dictionary definition but the author seems to use if for crap tech fixes like apps for covid rather than good tech fixes like masks and vaccines. If that's the case then technosolutionism is trivially not the fix by definition.

On the other hand good tech advances mostly are the answer to pandemic problems like the plague, smallpox etc.

There's a whole cottage industry of journalism based on criticism of "technology" that's predicated on the idea that "technology" == Silicon-Valley-based software/apps.

Of course, that has the downside of overlooking the fact that most problems are actually solved by technology, technology being what humans create to solve their problems.

Somehow, mRNA vaccines, which are to a large extent more high tech than most CRUD software developed in SV, isn't considered "technology".

I think it's specifically "tech", the shortened form, that refers to websites and apps in today's usage. "Technology", the full word includes medical advances, aerospace, innovative construction materials, solar panels, whatever.

What really drives me up the wall is when people call a library or a software framework or platform "a technology" (countable noun) in software. Like "Silverlight technology". I'm like "no, it's still a minor facet of information technology or computing technology, it's not a technology on its own".

This article doesn't present a thoughtful definition on what technology, and by extension technosolutionism, is. This is what we get:

> Technosolutionism is a way of understanding the world that assigns priority to engineered solutions to human problems. Its first principle is the notion that an app, a machine, a software program, or an algorithm offers the best solution to any complicated problem.

As a clear example, the article proposes that contract tracing apps are ineffective unless we are also testing the population at risk. Okay, where does testing come from? Testing is also a technological solution. A human does not look at your sample with a pen and pad and make a decision on whether you have covid. The sample doesn't speak to us and admit actually it does have covid.

Testing is technology. Vaccination is technology. I'll even argue that washing your hands is technology, in the sense that >99% of us interpret the message as to use mass-produced soap with water delivered to your sink through plumbing.


Technology usually makes life easier in some way of convenience. Although it can be unclear if it really makes life easier, as technology will often come at the cost of maintaining it. The invention of cars probably looked like a huge convenience, and out of it birthed an entire industry where people made their livelihoods, and now we've moved on to hating ourselves for inventing cars and ruining the environment, creating another industry that creates technology to make the use of energy have less of an effect on the environment. One day, we'll have a problem with that too.

My biggest issue with this article isn't that it's against technosolutionism, it's that it tries to draw some ARBITRARY line in the sand where the procession of technological progress must end. Sending kids to school over Zoom is where we draw the line? What about the problem where public schools closely model the idea of working at an industrial factory?

Consider the application of technosolutionism as described to other modern spheres, example climate change, where the economic stakes are extremely high for the ordinary citizen.

It is under reported in media and public service campaigns about climate that we can no longer mitigate the problem merely by cutting emissions- we have committed ourselves to carbon sequestration which is the unproven brainchild of technosolutionism and most of us never got a vote.

Aside from China, a substantial amount of global carbon emissions comes from rich Western democracies where everyone did have a vote, in multiple elections over decades, during which scientists were warning the public about climate change. The voters chose to elect politicians who didn't solve the problem. In some cases, the voters chose politicians who denied that problem existed. It's not a good situation, but we definitely got a vote.

Think a lot of posters are taking the criticism of `Technosolutionism` to literally mean _technology_; not various apps/services which are hailed to solve problem X without any actual evidence/merit of that claim.

I really don't think they bundle vaccines into that department...

Because that's how its expressed. Like other criticism in this now fashionable genre, it accuses technology of being the problem. Of course this is a complete red herring, but it bites, because commenting on the actual source of the problem will make you sound like you're just rehashing Marxist tropes, which everyone has heard already and thus they don't drive engagement.

One word you can't find in this article is 'vaccine.' Yes, there are downsides to the overuse of technology in society and discussing them is fine. But there are huge upsides which are keeping people alive whether through the extremely rapid development of vaccines or the mitigation of disability or, even at a minimum, keeping people employed. Can you imagine if coronavirus had hit in 1985 and we'd had lockdowns like these?

I think the author sees technosolutionism (TS) as a blind faith that technology will solve each problem we have... eventually. Of course, like capitalism, if the problem is harder or less profitable than another, it will receive less attention than lower-hanging/sexier alternatives and perhaps never be addressed at all, much less to a degree of competence or integration that provides lasting improvement to our world.

That said, I think the principal problem with TS is its essential entanglement with novelty. We are drawn to novelty like moths to flame, often responding with disproportionate favor to the sexiness of the Next Next Thing, regardless of its prospect for real utility (e.g. the Segway...). The invention doesn't have to add significant value; it just has to capture enough mindshare for the inventors to use the favorable press to sell off the business. Then the product is absorbed into a bigger fish's ecosystem where filling a niche profitably, however trivial, is good enough.

The fundamental problem with TS is that its impact is mostly promotional and ephemeral —- that of introducing A New and Better Way. While revolution is sexier, it's much less viable to make lasting impact than evolution. It can't be sustained in an ephemera-based ecosystem driven only by advancing the next quarter's mindshare. For TS to escape the surly bonds of Earth, it has to be driven by more than enthusiasm for the latest cool demo.

In decades past, large firms with deep pockets and long term tech agendas (IBM, Intel, GE) provided persistent inertia to turn TS into lasting infrastructure. But with their demise, I see no Next Next generation firms to fill those shoes. Perhaps the only form of invention left now is TS, and I agree with the author; that's clearly not enough.

The answer to technosolutionism will be more technosolutionism.

As it happens, I'm working on an app to help people find alternatives to technosolutionism! :)

Not yet. But just wait until the singularity is here.

I have released a new app that will help you determine when the singularity has arrived

> Technosolutionism is a way of understanding the world that assigns priority to engineered solutions to human problems.

Also known as technocracy, but someone has to feed The Saurus I guess.

Technocracy is rule by technical experts, usually taking the form of a bureaucracy composed primarily of educated and experienced professionals.

Technosolutionism is the belief that "there should be an app for that"

Fine example of truly moronic thinking:

> "distance education assumes a great deal about its recipients that has not proven true. Children who expertly sift through YouTube videos and Instagram posts, or master video games like Fortnite, have honed skills that have not proven transferrable to online learning.

Nevertheless, the country’s experiment in online learning—which is also an experiment in the desocialization of education—is one that some technosolutionist leaders hope to continue, despite early evidence of its failures."

Distance and online education has been effectively used for decades, and is rapidly improving with the recent growth of Coursera, EdX, and Udacity.

Public schools Zoom classroom shitshows don't in any way comprise "early evidence of failures of online learning". It shows only that ad-hoc Zoom classes set up by public schools aren't effective methods of online-learning.

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