Should've been "write('Press Enter when ready ...');" because "readln" will wait only for <ENTER> key to continue. Anything else you press meanwhile will just appear on screen.
instead of "readln;" put "readkey;" - that one would've simply continued regardless of whatever you'd press (well, CTRL / SHIFT not included).
Quote2: "writeln('');
Unnecessary. If you want empty lines you can simply say "writeln;writeln;" - no parameters required.
Quote3: "while true do
if (length <= 4) then
Oh boy, do I spot a C/C++ programmer. Here is the better solution:
instead of "readln;" put "readkey;" - that one would've simply continued regardless of whatever you'd press (well, CTRL / SHIFT not included).
Quote2: "writeln(''); writeln('');"
Unnecessary. If you want empty lines you can simply say "writeln;writeln;" - no parameters required.
Quote3: "while true do begin
Oh boy, do I spot a C/C++ programmer. Here is the better solution:"repeat
until length <= 4"