This title really confused me. First I read Tori as Tory.
Then I did not realize that 'ersatz' has a slightly different meaning in English than it has in German. In German it just means replacement, so I was wondering what it would replace.
And finally I did not get what 'tiny birds' are in this context. Can anyone enlighten me?
I'm disappointed this isn't literally a tool to communicate with birds, or alternatively a programming language designed for birds. Looks lovely though.
Are there any good examples of these minimal lisps which include typechecking? I'd personally like to learn more about incorporating that aspect, but it seems fairly uncommon.
Yeah, the automatic currying looks very nice. I was wondering how that works with optional arguments or rest arguments. At first glance I didn't see anything about that in the tutorial. It seems to me as a layman that auto-currying can only work with fixed arity functions, but I'm curious if that's indeed the case.
Edit: I scanned the docs too quickly. It's answered there:
> Unlike many Lisps, TL functions always expect a fixed number of arguments. For example, the + function shown above expects to receive 2 arguments and if it receives too many then and error occurs:
I am of the opposite view. Mostly because I am world champion at forgetting to apply a function with enough arguments. I think partial applivation should be explicit, at least in dynamic languages where this is not enforced at compile-time.
The results are always Javascript literals. Javascript doesn't have symbols. So symbols are represented as strings starting with a single quote. Mildly confusing but seems easy to pick up.
As mentioned, JS does have Symbols and I started the language using them but moved away. At the moment symbols are encoded as "'foo" but I may change the prefix to something less confusing at a glance.
Then I did not realize that 'ersatz' has a slightly different meaning in English than it has in German. In German it just means replacement, so I was wondering what it would replace.
And finally I did not get what 'tiny birds' are in this context. Can anyone enlighten me?