Good point, I was thinking more along the lines of "heads-up" right as a walk out the door and since this project was just for my own usage I didn't scrutinize the readme copy.
Its not 'just any portable screen' though. It is like task event which could be part of a calendar, except a Kindle (with e-ink) is used for this purpose. Quite clever usage of an e-reader.
I did a similar project with Kindle Paperwhite running for over 2 months on a full charge. It would boot early each morning, connect to wifi, pull latest weather and news, generate a png containing weather and news, show the png on the screen, shut down wifi, set RTC to boot again tomorrow and power down.
The problem I had is that eventually when it ran out of battery, I charged it and the process didn't kick off again. Probably I just need to ssh back in a get it going again, but I lost interest at that point!
In order for this to work, one needs to jailbreak the Kindle. Is there a way to jailbreak a Kindle Oasis running the 5.12.x firmware? (My reading of the MobileRead Forums says this is impossible.)
I've recently spent some time setting up Home Assistant [0] to corral the many smart devices in my home. In addition to the many IoT device control capabilities, HA has a rich integration/add-on ecosystem, and can pull in all sorts of additional data about daily life (financial feeds, weather, etc).
The missing piece for me right now is a device that acts as a control hub.
I hadn't considered using a Kindle, but now I'm excited about the possibilities. If I can use Life Dashboard to receive status information from HA (and possibly even send commands to devices), this might be the solution to that final missing piece.
I would recommend a paperwhite since you can use the real time clock to enter deep sleep and run the device off battery. Its the only complaint I have with my current device.
Thanks, this might just motivate me to dust off my old Kindle. I recently started doing James Clear's habit tracker and now would love to find a way to track my habits on my Kindle if possible.
I found developing in the kindle pretty nice and if you want a quick start there is a pre-compiled python for it and golang can compile directly to the arm architecture that it uses.
i spend most of my time on my iphone. when it comes to reading longform, i pick up the iPad or order a physical book because that's how i'm able to read.
As far as I remember when I researched Plaid, it’ll ask for the credentials (email/password) for your online banking accounts. That was a deal breaker for me.
Yeah, plaids flagship feature is instant bank verification. It replaces the archaic micro-deposit method for allowing users to auth their bank account.
The project uses a serverless backend to collate data from external services and on the Kindle itself Rust code (cross compiled via docker) fetches and typesets the data into an image
If this is just a daily image, wouldn't it be a lot easier to just email the generated image to a non-modified Kindle on a daily schedule? It would require manually clicking 2 buttons every day to display it (Home > Today's Image), though presumably that side of it could be automated on the Kindle with much less modification.
Even easier, the Kindle has a web browser so you could just serve up an html page on your network and navigate to that, but that wouldn't be as fun or cool
This isn't just an image, mostly b/c I initially wanted to do everything on the device (and it uses a weird image encoding) but interacting with Google api's in Rust was a pin (at the time).
update: forget it. I tried to jail break my PW2 and it lead to nowhere after 3 hours of attempts. The newest firmware (which it automatically updated to without asking) has blocked the downgrading to an older firmware, making the jailbreak unsuccessful.
NB: if you plan on jailbreaking an old Kindle, put it in airplane mode as soon as possible. If it upgrades past 5.10+, you're done.
Fantastic work. Using the Kindle rather than the browser must be better on the mind and the eyes. I wanted to try something similar myself using Plaid. Thanks for sharing and good job.