However, to me R appears like a little better Swiss Army Knife to do initial analysis. ggplot2, tidyverse, ...
R is far superior for interactive exploration/analysis and report writing. However Python is far superior if you are writing a program that does other things too.
My rule of thumb is that if a Python program is 70% or more Numpy/Pandas/Matplotlib etc then it should be R. Whereas an R program does comparatively little analysis and a lot of logic and integration, it should be Python. No one size fits all.
R is far superior for interactive exploration/analysis and report writing. However Python is far superior if you are writing a program that does other things too.
My rule of thumb is that if a Python program is 70% or more Numpy/Pandas/Matplotlib etc then it should be R. Whereas an R program does comparatively little analysis and a lot of logic and integration, it should be Python. No one size fits all.