Was the story that the NY Post article was the result of Russian 'disinformation' based on facts? Because Twitter did nothing to stop that, not a fact check, not a block, nothing. Twitter was certain that 'story' was true, but the FBI (who said they have no evidence the Russians did it) was clueless?
If I may, the reason you are unimpressed is that you are on the political side that benefited from Twitter's selective bias this time around. Next time you may not be as lucky tho.
Twitter's objection was that the New York Post article contained hacked or illegally obtained material (personal intimate photos, etc.). Publishing those materials is a legal grey area.
I don't think Twitter ever said that article was Russian disinformation.
Trump's taxes were illegally obtained (hacked or leaked.) For all we know, the Chinese may have given it to the NYT, as the NYT never bothered to tell us how they got their hands onto them. But Twitter did nothing about them.
If Twitter was honest, every time the figure $750 appeared in a Tweet it should be blocked.
If you feel my statement above is absurd, that just shows how normalized the double standard has become.
ps I think there should be a law that all Presidents disclose tax returns and financial information. If you run for President you deserve a lesser right for privacy. It's not about that though. Twitter shouldn't censor based on its opinions.
Twitter was entirely consistent between this and Trump's tax returns. What you're proposing is a double standard.
The rule is they blocked links to hacked content. They did not block reporting on either issue. Any discussion of Hunter Biden or the hacked content is allowed on Twitter. You just can't link to the actual hacked content.
The NYT has not released Trump's tax returns. They only released an article discussing some of what they found. The New York Post included actual stolen content in their article.
Blocking all tweets mentioning $750 would be like blocking all tweets mentioning Hunter Biden.
> If I may, the reason you are unimpressed is that you are on the political side that benefited from Twitter's selective bias this time around. Next time you may not be as lucky tho.
If I may, the reason you are unimpressed is that you are on the political side that benefited from Twitter's selective bias this time around. Next time you may not be as lucky tho.