Hi HN! I made a really quick web app to help people validate their ideas.
The app is a simple landing page builder, but every page includes a really simple Yes/No "Are You Interested?" poll.
Every vote is recorded and tracked, and if they click yes they are brought to a page where they can submit an email.
This makes validating ideas super easy because you can post your link to different communities and get statistically significant results as well as build an email list.
Given an hour, you could easily create 50 different landing pages and be able to validate your ideas in bulk.
The site (click Sign Up in top right - no cc needed): https://areyouinterested.co
Example landing page (Built in <60s): https://areyouinterested.co/site/pals-insurance
All these are four months old with only a few comments, yet have short generic positive comments here.
14 days old with one comment that is the same thing. https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=xobetty
1 hour ago with the same type of comment https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=cornychonay
First comment in 6 years to say "clever idea" https://news.ycombinator.com/threads?id=dan301