You have to dig through the documentation a bit on the website but all the info is there[1]
from sh import mysqldump
from sh import gzip
gzip(mysqldump("example_db", _piped=True), _out="dump.sql.gz")
or if you don't want the magic import thing:
import sh
sh.gzip(sh.mysqldump("example_db", _piped=True), _out="dump.sql.gz")
It's definitely foreign to shell scripting languages since the piping syntax is a bit different & you have to remember to do `_piped=True` since it's not parallel by default. But the default behavior is pipefail & exit on the command failing IIRC so it's more of a choose your poison thing (do you want a subtle perf issue or a subtle bug in your script not handling error states correctly). And I find it easier to read. + if you want to customize anything about gzip or not rely on needing the binary in the path, then you can just switch it to Python-native gzip pretty easily.
That's my favorite feature. Conciseness if I'm just translating a script with progressive complexity options to migrate things that need more complexity or different requirements within the same script without having to rewrite it from scratch.
That's my favorite feature. Conciseness if I'm just translating a script with progressive complexity options to migrate things that need more complexity or different requirements within the same script without having to rewrite it from scratch.