I've been thinking about this idea for a while now and finally got around to building the prototype this weekend.
The idea is that you'd drop my JS snippet on your site and I'd start building the "AARRR" table (which I'm actually building this week but imagine slide 4:
Basically, the system will build that table out for you and then show you how your startup stacks up against others in your space.
To be clear, I'll never share your data with anyone. So, if you're a "hosting" company, I'd show you your AARRR table and then show you how the average "hosting" company's metrics look.
Feedback? Thoughts? Concerns?
It's a fascinating and a non-trivial problem you're addressing here and I'm interested to see how you approach it. Get it right and it could add huge amount of value.
The three toughest challenges as I see it:
1. Standardising metrics across a broad range of different business stages, verticals and models to provide a meaningful number (compare apples with apples).
2. Helping users to identify appropriate metrics from each of the AARRR categories. I.e. indicative and actionable.
3. The perennial problem of identifying unique users so that the behaviour of new or repeat visitors can be accurately measured prior to signup. IP addresses are not reliable (NAT & dynamic IPs), cookies can be flushed and potential customers have opportunity to access a service from a variety of devices - I know the folks at KISSmetrics put a lot of work into this.
edited for readability