I would love to see someone come up with an ingenious solution for a similar job, but is much more dangerous, difficult and nuanced - climbing palm (palmyra) trees to get palmyra juice.
The tools they use are a loop made of fiber from palmyra leaf and a leather shield. The பனையேரி (literally means palmyra climber) wears the loop over their foot and the leather shield over their chest and they pull themselves up to the top of the tree. It's a brutally punishing and exhausting task.
climbing palm trees and cutting down those palm fruits (called nongu in Tamil Nadu) is much more harder.. probably 10x more harder than coconut tree. Long poles with sickle may help in harvesting coconuts, but not the palm fruits.. a robotic arm with motorized blade will be ideal for palm trees.
The tools they use are a loop made of fiber from palmyra leaf and a leather shield. The பனையேரி (literally means palmyra climber) wears the loop over their foot and the leather shield over their chest and they pull themselves up to the top of the tree. It's a brutally punishing and exhausting task.
(0) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0suSGmww9lQ