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Perfect. My copy of Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! just arrived today.

Mine too. With stickers and stuff.

I've been reading it on my phone and laptop, but having a physical copy makes it easier to follow, navigate, make notes, etc.

Aw, stickers! Mine came earlier this week, but no stickers. Where'd you get the book from? I ordered from Amazon because I had a giftcard, but I guess I missed out on some sweet swag.

I ordered directly from No Starch Press and got stickers (and a manga postcard).

Same here. There was a discount code on the LYAHFGG site, and it included the physical book as well as an immediate download of the PDF.

Really a good deal. But the big point for me was the note that the author got more money that way, too.

Edit: plus manga card, and a 30% discount code.

I'm a sucker for paper+pdf+ebook bundles, which you can usually get from publishers but not Amazon or B/N. I also like that the author gets more.

It's great that No Starch is setting themselves up as the "quirky" compsci book publishers (this, Eloquent Javascript, Land of Lisp). Does anyone know if/when we can expect Learn You an Erlang for Great Good in paper form?

(I'm also amused to see that I'm not the only one who was almost more excited by the stickers than the book.[1])

[1] http://twitter.com/#!/telemachus/status/58983940987420673

So, does anyone have a photo of the stickers? Since I am in Europe, I still have to wait a few days ;).

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