Your comment seems to present anecdotal evidence as facts about $framework's popularity. I think that's misleading.
I'm wondering if there's a scraper out there crawling Alexa TOP 1xxx pages for use of specific libraries, frameworks? Maybe that would present a more accurate picture about this.
Also it's often misleading since in any company with more than a few employees there seems to be more than one team of developers which often leads to different frameworks being used in different parts of the company. In $dayJob we use Angular in some legacy internal stuff, React in a rewritten consumer-facing project and preact or jQuery in a different consumer-facing project.
It's not that simple to determine marketshare of frameworks I think. We can just present different numbers and draw different conclusions from it, e.g. number of job postings mentioning specific frameworks, number of downloads in a registry, number of domains using it (assuming one app per domain), number of stars on github or number of people claiming to use it in the stackoverflow survey.
A lot of the web isn't publicly accessible. And most .com marketing sites are built on a much different tech stack than the actual product. Example: landing page is Wordpress, actual site is a SPA (be it React/Angular/Vue etc).
The twitterati and hobbyist crowd seem to love react, but anecdotally I've yet to see it used seriously at a BigCo, but Ng+TS is everywhere.