Only people who haven't really lost someone say this kinda stuff. The pain of loss eclipses all the good parts of having loved by a large margin, in my experience.
Again, spoken like someone who hasn't lost someone. You may become progressively less likely to let any given person become that important to you over time, but losing someone truly important really doesn't get easier.
I've lost more than one someone over the years. To be honest, the most important thing is being happy with yourself, whether you're in a relationship or not.
If every iteration hurts then is iterating a lot really a good plan?
In each iteration one believes this is the final iteration that will last forever. If not, you're doing it wrong. How is that compatible with planning to iterate?
It's the same as creating a company... If the failure rate is high, trying more than one time bring the failure rate down...
But when you are creating a company if you start by thinking that it's going to fail, you are already out of the game ;-)
"'tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all."
Sorry, I had to!