You are right, sashthebash wants exactly what GCal provides for the most part. (For what ever reason going to settings on my paid version of GAFYD doesn't support changing the 4 day view from anything other than yesterday, today, + two days, but I don't disbelieve that you have a version that has such a feature available to you).
I wasn't being clear in my response that I was talking about what the author of the linked article actually has a much better design [1] in mind for a 'bigger than today, less than a week' view. I think it would be nice if GCal picked that up, I can understand that its providence might make that impossible.
A userscript could easily achieve this, no? just extend the width of .wk-today and .tg-col-today. I guess the agenda view would be harder. I'll try this as soon as I get home.
Absolutely, and a good test of the CSS Pivot stuff.
When I first started at Google I there were lots of meetings and I missed a few because everyone was in quad cubes and so nobody had speakers or anything going, and my Calendar notifications (as a blinking tab in firefox) were easy to miss. To get around that I built a device that was connected to my workstation via USB (it was basically an Arduino clone) which had an LCD display and an LED and a button. When the next meeting was coming up it would display on the LCD and the LED would flash (hard to miss) and stop flashing when I pushed the button acknowledging that I had seen it. Was going to add a 'snooze' button but didn't get around to it before I left.
That hack used the GDATA API and Python to pull my calendar data and send them out to the display. It would be pretty easy to implement the modified future view idea as a local script which captured that you wanted and put it into a view like this.
I wasn't being clear in my response that I was talking about what the author of the linked article actually has a much better design [1] in mind for a 'bigger than today, less than a week' view. I think it would be nice if GCal picked that up, I can understand that its providence might make that impossible.