Would have to disagree with competition being bad, its not the cure all, thats for sure, but its not pointless by any means. AT&T proved this quite well when they had a monopoly of the telephone system. Innovation was on its door step, but it had no motivation to let it in, because they were the only gig in town. Competition in the business world also keeps you on your toes. The initial idea, the building of the business, might motivate to start, but a threat of competition keeps you trying to improve for the long haul. Perhaps there is a distinction in there, competition is great for the end users, it gives them better products, for business it makes a sporting event out of it, where you can win or loose. Competition is good of course when, the people competing play nice, and strive to be the best at what they do, and actually make a better product. Instead of doing what ever it takes, no matter how dirty to win. Where then its not about a competition of skill in the chosen market, its about cutting down the competition so you look better. Sort of like patent squatters, nothing to do with the skill of creating a great product, and everything to do with profiting off someone else taking it from idea to product.