Do you mean that literally (re-packaging xampp) or metaphorically (I can get this for free, over there)?
WampDeveloper has nothing to do with xampp. The only similarities are: WampDeveloper uses Apache, PHP, and MySQL on Windows.
That's another problem: that some visitors think "xampp"?
Even though WampDeveloper is a completely different system/framework, switches between all versions of Apache, PHP, and MySQL with a click, creates and manages all websites/VirtualHosts, has a full user interface, has a web application installer for Wordpress, Joomla, MediaWiki, Drupal, Magento, controls "local DNS" ... etc. All the things xampp does not do.
Or are you coming back to the "Why would I buy what I can get for free?" question.
Thanks for the feedback, I'll look into it some more.
The page you linked to says to me "we're selling xampp!" If that isn't what you are doing, then you should look at your sell page.
If you are indeed just a paid version of xampp, then good luck with that.