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Show HN: An alternative RSS reader and search engine for news and content (newsandrumors.com)
86 points by zeras on July 30, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 66 comments

Developer here .. I am excited to announce the beta launch of NEWS and RUMORS .. https://newsandrumors.com/

I have been solo developing NEWS and RUMORS for the last year with the goal of improving and simplifying content discovery and providing a way for lesser known bloggers and content publishers to reach a much larger audience.

There is so much great content on the internet that gets lost or never found because the search engines, news readers and news aggregators all feature and focus on the same high traffic sources, many of which write articles based on content from the same professional newswires and press releases.

I want to give readers a lot more control over the content they consume and the format of how it is presented.

To do this I developed a high performance search engine using a very clean and highly customizable low-bandwidth user interface for searching and displaying content acquired through an extensive modular-designed indexing system.

There will be a lot more that NEWS and RUMORS will offer as I continue its development, but it is a fully functional and beneficial service right now that I hope many people will enjoy!


NEWS and RUMORS provides fast and simple access to a large amount of diverse content from a wide variety of sources while focusing on user privacy.

I created NEWS and RUMORS because I wanted a news and content search engine that does not show me advertisements as search results, does not track everything I do, does not only show content from high traffic sites, and lets me decide what content I want and do not want to see and how I want to see it.

The "Popular" search results (default home page) currently contains a variety of hand-picked sources because there is not enough traffic yet to generate an accurate list, but that will change once more people start using the site.


- Discover great content from sites other services ignore

- Search, read and save your favorite sites, topics and searches

- Fast and low bandwidth web interface

- Personalize search results

- Multiple site theme options and search layout options

- Passwordless login only requires email

- No user tracking with focus on user privacy

- Read what you want, when you want, how you want


- Light Theme: https://i.imgur.com/q2yn3tp.png

- Dark Theme: https://i.imgur.com/1gkwFtb.png


- limit search results by domain = @domain.com

- limit search results by topic = #topic

- limit search results by feed = .domain-com-blog

- limit search results by exact word = _word

- limit search results by string = string

NOTE: You can combine the above search methods to create more complex searches.


You can quickly read many sites by simply adding their domains using this URL format ..

- https://newsandrumors.com/s/github.blog

- https://newsandrumors.com/s/bbc.com

- https://newsandrumors.com/s/wired.com

- https://newsandrumors.com/s/npr.org

- https://newsandrumors.com/s/wsj.com

You can quickly view results for any topic using this URL format ..

- https://newsandrumors.com/development

- https://newsandrumors.com/creative

- https://newsandrumors.com/react

- https://newsandrumors.com/python

- https://newsandrumors.com/marketing

- https://newsandrumors.com/saas

- https://newsandrumors.com/fortnitegame

Be sure to login to gain greater access to NEWS and RUMORS features!

I am building NEWS and RUMORS for people like us.

You can help me make it better by sharing your comments, suggestions and criticisms!

I was looking at the payed options and it shows a one-time upgrade key, but it requires me to enter payment information before providing any info on it such as the price or defining what the one-time upgrade entails.

That is an oversight definitely. The payment flow requires we collect the payment method before the "checkout" page, but it should definitely show all prices prior to the payment method step. I will work on changing that.

Thank you for pointing that out!

Add a warning on "we sent the email" to "check your spam folder if it doesn't appear".

Typo "Exlude" in help. My opinion, help on search needs a rewrite, it is confusing AF.

Is there a way to set my "Default search" to a SET of sources? Like if I want to pick gizmodo, npr, ... a dozen or so fave sources. As it stands the source list is like a huge radio set, only one button down at a time.

Thank you for pointing out the typo. I fixed it in a couple of places.

I also added the spam folder check message to the login link emailed page.

I agree the search page needs to be rewritten and also simplified.

While there is a max sources limit per search, you can include multiple sources in a single search ..

@gizmodo.com @npr.org

Any suggestions for dealing with this problem?


Most of the results seem to be about horse racing rather than functional programming!

A quick solution would be ..


There does not seem to be a lot of haskell content though in the search engine so if you have some sources you can recommend, let me know and I will add them.

I will also setup a search topic (#haskell) for it to make it easier.

As you can tell, I have a lot more sites to add to the index and search topics to create .. :)

That's actually not bad, nicely done.

Looks pretty similar to my handlr.sapico.me , I have an alternative layout that fetches cover images.

Thank you! Good job on your site as well! I really like clean and simple layouts.

How often do you pull RSS feeds?

The index rate for each source automatically adapts based on the frequency of new content while maintaining a reasonable minimum frequency for sporadic sources.

The goal is to index content as quickly as possible without impacting each site's performance or causing automated defense systems to block the requests.

Nicely done!

Congratulations on the launch. Site looks nice and fast as well.

Just some comments.

1. At the moment you are forced to login if you want to change site theme or font size. It would be nice if you could without logging in. I am fine it with the settings persisting as long as I don't clear the cookies.

2. Are there any plans to support prefers-color-scheme so you don't have to manually set the color to dark?

3. Also, the links to news article aren't direct. Goes via https://newsandrumors.com/nar/go/<random-id-here>. Is it possible to opt out of this?

Thank you!

1) Are you sure you cannot change the font and and site theme without logging in? I just tested it and it works fine for me in private and incognito modes.

I purposely designed it so a lot of the settings are available via the quick action bar for non-logged in users.

If you have no-script active or have disabled javascript, then the only option would be to login to change them via the Settings page.

Otherwise, you should be able to toggle those easily via the quick action bar above the search results.

2) Definitely. I probably should have already done that.

3) I am still thinking on this. My plan was to soon remove it for upgraded accounts. There is no user-specific tracking, but by anonymously tracking clicks in general it helps with ranking and generating "popular" search results order.

To track clicks without redirects and JavaScript use the 'ping' attribute: https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_a_ping.asp

Didn’t know about that. Does not look like it has Safari or IE support

Most users have JS enabled, you could just track clicks making an Ajax get call with a click listener on all links before navigating if you don’t want to use something like GA.

I can't reach settings page or anything similar either.

Whenever the cog is clicked browser goes to "/start" and a page with "Enter your email" is shown.

Clicking Cancel or Continue without filling email takes me to page before.

The Settings page requires that you login, which only requires an email address.

The quick action bar on the search results page also has a smaller cog icon and other icons on it that will allow you to change several settings without logging in, but you must have javascript enabled to access them.

Wow this site is very well done. The amount of filters on the search page is insane. Also love the look and fast loading. Clearly a lot of hard work must have been put to make this. Congrats on the launch and I wish you all the best.

P.S. Just out of curiosity, what's the business model for this site?

Thank you!

The site supports user subscriptions for advance reader and searching functionality, so my hope at least for now is that people will use the free version and at some point want higher limits or more functionality and then upgrade.

I have a lot more planned for it long term (everyone always says that, but it is true) such as an API service, but for now, I am focused on improving the reader service and adding more sites to the index.

A search that delivers results containing my search term and nothing else is pure genius. It's a wonder major search engines never thought of it.

It is really surprising and somewhat irritating that it is not more common.

No results found is actively optimized against, which raises recall and reduces precision of search results Via synonyms, stop words, etc. the priority of a search engine is to deliver you results because those are actionable even if not fully relevant.

I agree and I like that meta search engines offer fuzzy search matching, because sometimes you know what you want but are not quite sure of the best keywords to use to find it.

I just wish more search engines offered an option or default setting where search results would only include exact matches.

Amazing! Just a tip, set the <html lang> attribute or browsers will try to auto-detect the language ( https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_att... ). At the moment, Chrome is saying it's in portuguese and translating it by default.

Thank you for the suggestion! I am familiar with the lang attribute but did not think to use it. It should be live now.

Congrats on the launch! Looks very clean.

There is an unexpected behavior if I search "New York NY". The search box just shows "New York" on the results page. Is that deliberate?

Example: https://newsandrumors.com/?q=new+york+ny

Yes, that's because I limit search keywords/terms to 3 or more characters each right now.

Try #newyork for the state or #newyorknewyork for NYC and of course you can add any keywords you want to it after that.

Congratulations! It's been a while since I got excited for a news application, yet what you've built is very intriguing and makes me want to learn even more. I really like how the app feels fast, loads well, and the search is fast. Will keep an eye on it!

Thank you for the kind words! I have always loved news readers and aggregators, but many of them seem to follow the same approach. I wanted something different for myself and it just kept evolving.

I don't like the idea of spending time on a site where I'm reading rumors but this is very nicely done indeed. Looks good on the mobile as well, though images take up more space than they should.

Thank you! I will admit that I really wanted to go with a shorter brandable name, and I am still considering it, but for now I think the name fits.

I am planning to tweak the mobile/responsive styles on some layouts to make them a little easier to read.

Some of the search layouts will show differently on mobile screens so maybe toggle between them to see if you like one of those better.

This is good looking. But, is this just a River of News scrolling, or do you keep track of "read" items to get them out of the way?

That is an area that I need to improve. With a high focus on privacy, it makes it hard to track what users read without creating a user tracking system and that is something I really want to avoid doing.

The thread links use the CSS :visited selector to show the links in a different color to help identify the links you have previously clicked without the site knowing that information itself.

There is a history function for logged in members, but for user privacy it can be limited or disabled by the user via the Settings page and is also auto-purged periodically.

At the very least the site needs to show content that has been added since your last visit and that is something I plan to implement soon.

Have you looked into cuckoo filters?


The problem is not really the methodology or implementation but the perception caused by it. If you can tell a user "we know you read this" then that implies you are tracking what they read which is something I try to avoid.

I plan to work on a solution, but if I do, users will be able to opt-in or opt-out depending on the implementation.

If you use localstorage you can track the state on the client.

I really try to avoid using local storage because it delves into potential user privacy issues. I will look more into it as well as other options as I know having a list of already viewed results would be helpful for users.

Hi, I have some accessibility related requests regarding the design. Are you opened to suggestions?

Absolutely! I know the main color themes have contrast issues with accessibility. My plan is to create a high contrast theme to help with that.

That said, any other suggestions would definitely be appreciated.

I'm blind, so can't comment on the color scheme. However, screen readers depend on semantic elements like headings, list items, and so on to navigate the page. Currently the search results are not organized as any such entity, but are a few links that are related visually. The graphics are not marked as such, lack alt text, and an example how one of them reads is:


Setting aria-hidden might be the easiest way to deal with this particular issue.

"Popular" and "newest" are not marked as control elements like buttons, combo box, or a radio button so they look just like plain text to my screen reader. It is experience that suggests that hitting enter on them will produce any result.

The search button is not labeled and it reads just as "button". What you call a quick bar (a guess) is a line of buttons represented as links but with no text inside them and no apparent function.

PS: Great idea for the site btw. I'm bitching so much only because it seems as something that I might use and wish to have as comfortable as possible.

I really do appreciate the suggestions.

I have worked really hard to provide as many options as possible for people, but it is hard to anticipate everything people will want or need from it until they use it and tell you so feedback like yours helps.

I have added everything you wrote to my notes from this thread so I will see what I can do to improve them for you.

appreciated :)

I like the design. I'm curious about the technologies you used, do you have details anywhere?

I have not posted those details yet as the network security voice in my head screams, "DON'T DO IT!"

That said, I will probably post something on the site soon as I always find it interesting to see how other sites are built.

Kudos! Very well done. Kept me engaged in the site and found some great things to read.

Nice job!

Great to hear! Thank you!

This is actually a really nice site, and I think I'm going to be replacing my Google News tab with it.

Really great work!

Awesome! Thank you!

Remove foxnews, and I would use this.

Upgraded accounts gain access to a global filter that can filter unwanted sources from search results.

Non-upgraded accounts can include one exclusion source in searches as well by adding ..


No thanks


I think it was caused by the alpha test geo-blocking filters I had in place that should have been removed.

The servers are well structured for scaling and right now they all show very low load usage despite the surge in traffic from HN.

I have removed all geo-filters so hopefully that will allow you access the site now if you care to try again.

I do appreciate you letting me know about it!


Glad it is working for you now. Thank you!

> Um it's shouldn't really be down when you show it to people

Everybody gets hugged when they front page on hacker news, it is a stress test all on its own. There is no reason to be rude about it. FWIW It seems to be back up now.


> wasn't being "rude" about it.

If we look at your statement, was there anything constructive?

> Um it's shouldn't really be down when you show it to people

If you say yes, then you are implying that the OP is stupid and didn't realize his website should be up when sharing it.

If you say no, then why did you say it?

A neutral statement devoid of feelings would be, "It looks like your site got the hug of death"

A kinder way to phrase it would be "Congrats on the launch! Looks like it wasn't able to handle the HN hug."

But you phrased it in a negative way, and that IS rude.

>Thank you.

You are welcome.

It is actually not intentionally offline nor are the servers overloaded.

I am guessing there is configuration limit somewhere that triggered it, but I am looking into it now.

Thank you for letting me know and for the screenshot!

Is the solution to “content diversity” problem (right wingers current fake issue) flooding readers with more trash and low quality content? Isn’t this what Facebook’s for?

My intention behind content diversity is not based on political interests, but rather a desire to offer a greater level of exposure for lesser known content and blog sites.

By "diversity" I mean that a developer who writes good articles on python whose blog only gets a few users a day will be treated the same as content from high traffic sites.

Unlike other news services that either have political leanings or are beholden to their advertisers, I want to provide an independent service where people can decide for themselves what they read or do not read.

The sun, daily mail, Fox News are “lesser known”? Not to mention tons of other stuff I’m too afraid to even checkout. Low quality and fake news is not diversity.

No, of course not, but if I only included lesser known content in the reader and search engine then few people would use it since they would have to look elsewhere to find content from the major news sources.

Major news sources will always get more overall exposure simply through quantity because they publish so many articles every single day. However, low traffic sites and blogs will get their content promoted at or near the top of the search results when it is indexed in the same manner that the high traffic sites do.

I understand there are sites you dislike which is why I added an Upgrade global filter feature where you can block sites, topics, keywords, etc. that you do not want to see. Other Upgraded users can do the same when they do not want to see content they dislike as well.

Promoting low traffic sites that actually publish content that’s worth while finding out about is admirable. But if your front page is an “open sewage” of the worst of USA and UK tabloids, I don’t think anyone who’s interested in quality content would bother to register or upgrade.

I posted it in the beta notes on the site, but forgot to add it to my comments here.

The Popular search results are currently supplemented by a variety of hand-picked source feeds because the site is new and there is not yet enough traffic history to generate an accurate list of popular content, but that will change once more people start using the site.

Of course people will not be happy with some of the sites selected if the target site has a political bias that they disagree with, but it is only temporary until traffic starts to grow more on the site.

I already have it built into the engine to ignore the supplemental sources once the activity level hits a certain level.

That said, it will still come down to the users. If a lot of users are viewing specific content, it will likely find its way to the home page.

On a side note, you can change your default home page via the Settings page to avoid the popular search results.

If you want to be filter bubbled, there are plenty of sites that cater to that right now.

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