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Sadly I think more and more, that we are in the point of no repair (return). Regardless being US, UK, China, Russia we are in world govern by mafia like diplomacy/politics, and with recent development in nuclear, space and Antarctica militarization ... things does not look great... unfortunately there is no planet B nor there is a good enough bunker :/ ...

My whole life I thought that things could be solved with science and reason, but it seems we need a miracle...

You seem bummed out by the idea of where the world is going.

Look back at "The Future" as thought of by people in the 1950's and see how accurate they were. So don't think you will be accurate.

And if it is that bad, or worse, well you can only do so much.

Even though I am devoutly NOT religious there is a nice set of words: "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference"

Good luck.

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