Ignoring the subject matter of the article, one phrase in particular stood out to me - "digital sovereignty."
This is the first time I've heard that phrase. I've never conceived of the web being carved up into territory by governments before. However, when I think about it now, the Web is being fought over by governments - China, India, the USA, etc.
Always remember the true meaning of sovereignty. If the universe was really a MMO server and the PVP flag was switched off and magically nobody could kill or steal, detonating a bomb only endangered the bombmaker if it was in a blast radius, and even drunk drivers could only harm themselves it would be a catastrophy for sovereignty.
This is the first time I've heard that phrase. I've never conceived of the web being carved up into territory by governments before. However, when I think about it now, the Web is being fought over by governments - China, India, the USA, etc.
That makes me a little sad.