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Are you really not allowed to scrutinize sensitive topics?

You honestly can't say "Can we talk about appropriateness of the word blacklist? It doesn't seem as harmful as other terms."

What company do you work for?

He probably works for HashiCorp. One of my friends is there and she told me the CEO is constantly virtue signaling and emailing feminist and leftist propaganda links company wide. She told me people are so hypersensitive that anyone who slows down to ask about why rioting shouldn't occur, or that spamming the corporate Slack and email with white guilt and original sin shouldn't happen is quickly labeled a racist and reported to HR.

My company luckily has less of this going on but it's slowly growing.

The CEO of Cisco and upper management within the company are openly recommending the book White Fragility to their employees. The book basically claims that anyone who is white is automatically a racist and that there is no way out of being a racist. I am sure it will be any day now where I will be compelled to openly confess and apologize for this new original sin. I will have to stand my ground as a non-conformist and declare that I will never apologize for false accusations about my character and wrong-doings that I never did. The world is becoming disturbingly Orwellian very quickly.

As a student of history of a few countries, China included, it is hard not to see parallels of today to https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Struggle_session . I have already seen public service and community advocacy meetings descend into chaos as people try to out-woke each other while accusing others of being racists.

Fortunately I am not at HashiCorp, and where I work isn't quite that bad- the company wide email only went out due to the protests.

That said, we do have higher ups who have no problem talking politics while waiting for people to join video calls, and naturally they all agree with each other. Noone with half a brain would speak up unless they were also agreeing- higher ups are our bosses, not our friends, after all.

Companies have been virtue signalling to leftism on social issues, but I doubt they would be doing the same on more economic issues within leftism such as workers rights or unions.

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