It's a real disaster that Adobe Reader sucks so much. PDF is a wonderful document format - other readers open it in seconds and it works on everything (including Linux, OS X and most phones). But thanks to Adobe if you ever send a PDF file to a windows user you get a five minute rant about how much PDF sucks and can you send it as a wonderful, efficient docx instead :/
I should point out that the article is incorrect. Namely, PDF is a complete superset of PS. Furthermore, it is capable of supporting non-printer specific properties like digital signatures and even external files and animation, none of which are supported by PS. (And before you say that animation is useless, imagine using PDF for presentations). Try reading the PDF 1.6 standard sometime (its dry like all standards but it gives a demonstration of what PDF is capable of).
I'm not familiar with the new stuff in PDF/PS but I'd say it probably depends on the specific versions. At the very least anything that adheres to EPS has always been part of PDF.