Some of it can get in your way. I usually turn off bloom and blur, I get a higher FPS and my peripheral vision is already running a native blur function, so why waste resources on another process doing the same thing? A lot of technological innovation ends up being spent on style points for the sake of making a sexy trailer and getting pre orders. When Battlefield 3 came out with all the engine improvements, many users ended up hating all the blue and shiny flashes with everything and blur and bloom that got in the way of actual game play.
Sometimes people running lower specs might even play better than someone running higher specs, if that means the higher spec has more grass textures that better hide character models or something like that. Those sort of improvements are improvements for the sake of vanity, and are generally panned by a game's core players.
Sometimes people running lower specs might even play better than someone running higher specs, if that means the higher spec has more grass textures that better hide character models or something like that. Those sort of improvements are improvements for the sake of vanity, and are generally panned by a game's core players.