Ahhh, remember those days when you would get back from the shop with a cartridge, rip off the shrink rap, drop it in the slot, hit the on button and you were playing straight away in seconds. Good times.
Fallout 76 was something like a 45gb install and then a 50gb day 1 "patch"...
Instead now you have most online services allowing you to pre-download the game (and often the day 1 patches too if any) and just do a quick install on release day. The experience isn't significantly worse, it's just different. Even Nintendo's e-shop supports this, and god knows how far behind they are in terms of online feature support compared to everyone else.
I'm pretty happy to not have to keep a large amount of game boxes and worry about scratching discs too.
EDIT: To your specific example, FO76 released on Nov 14, PS4 preload with base game + day1 patch started on Nov 11 according to online sources I've found.
Yeah, I remember. I also have no wish to go back to those days. If I want to, emulators are easily available, but I don't. Games have moved forward in a lot of ways. Patches are a worthwhile trade-off for what I see as more interesting games.
I don't recall which Yakuza on PS4 requires a patch otherwise it won't go further than the intro.
I'm not completely sure but I also think that Just Cause 3 required a patch at day one to work on PS4 and IIRC it was considerably big against a weak 4 Mbit DSL...
It's probably not additive. If you bought and installed the game fresh only after the release of the patch, I'd guess the total download size would be well under 95GB. Game patches aren't known for being well optimised binary diffs with minimal download size.
Fallout 76 was something like a 45gb install and then a 50gb day 1 "patch"...