> As in Unix signals? tbh those seem ugly too; sigwinch, sighup, etc ought to be connected to stdin in some way; it'd be nice if there were a more general way to send arbitrary data to processes as an event
Well, as the process can arbitrarily change which stdin it is connected to, as stdin is a file, you need some way to still issue directions to that process.
However, for the general case, your terminal probably supports sending sigint via ctrl + c, siquit via ctrl + backslash, and the suspend/unsuspend signals via ctrl + z or y. Some terminals may allow you to extend those to the various other signals you'd like to send. (But these signals are being handled by the shell - not by stdin).
Sure, I mean more like there'd be some interface ByteStream, and probably another interface TerminalInput extends ByteStream; TerminalInput would then contain the especially terminal-related signals (e.g. sigwinch). If a program doesn't declare that it wants a full TerminalInput for stdin, the sigwinches would be dropped. If it declares it wants one but the environment can't provide one (e.g. stdin is closed, stdin is a file, etc.) it would be an error from execve().
Other signals would be provided by other resources, ofc; e.g. sigint should probably be present in all programs.
In general, my ideal OS would have look something like [0], but with isolation between the objects (since they're now processes), provisions for state changes (so probably interfaces would look more like session types), and with a type system that supports algebraic data types.
Well, as the process can arbitrarily change which stdin it is connected to, as stdin is a file, you need some way to still issue directions to that process.
However, for the general case, your terminal probably supports sending sigint via ctrl + c, siquit via ctrl + backslash, and the suspend/unsuspend signals via ctrl + z or y. Some terminals may allow you to extend those to the various other signals you'd like to send. (But these signals are being handled by the shell - not by stdin).