It's odd, I rarely drink but sometimes I will and alcohol motivates me to just bang out code or do something else that I've been putting off for a while. I've noticed this at night for personal projects but also after the rare work lunches.
I'm not saying it's good quality code, but it definitely removes the barriers to starting that I often struggle to get over. And starting is the most important step of iterating, I can fix it up tomorrow.
I've noticed the same thing sometimes. I particularly notice when there's a thing where there's an obvious flawed approach to the problem, but the flaws probably don't matter.
Interestingly, I can replicate that mind-state even without alcoho. The same is true of a couple other states of mind that I originally arrived at though the use of mind altering substances (sadly it does not work for caffeine though).
> I particularly notice when there's a thing where there's an obvious flawed approach to the problem, but the flaws probably don't matter.
Yeah absolutely. I often get hung up in architecture astronaut mode about whether this is the right solution, and entering that "who cares? make it work or nothing matters!" mindset is very liberating.
I've been taking some herbal anxiety pills because a friend suggested them.I didn't expect much but it does seem to let me focus on the process and not the what-ifs when I need to.
Alcohol does not enhance performance for most professions.