When you say "gone or moved to MQ" - if not moved to messaging services like RabbitMQ/NATS/etc, where else could things have gone? At least from my experience, HTTP microservices are still very common, especially when using things like AWS Lambdas.
I feel like most continually-running backends will make use of RabbitMQ/NATS/ZeroMQ/etc, or more and more I see lightweight systems going completely serverless and just using lambdas - which are HTTP microservices.
To be fair, I started working post-2015, so I've actually never come face-to-face with a long running HTTP microservice backend... what would something like that even look like? I'm thinking of systems I've worked on that use a messaging queue, but that only rely on HTTP requests - is that what it would be? So like, I'd make a request to a microservice behind an endpoint, which in turn would make requests to 3 more microservices behind other endpoints? If so, I'm certainly glad that idea isn't cool anymore because that seems greatly inefficient :)
I feel like most continually-running backends will make use of RabbitMQ/NATS/ZeroMQ/etc, or more and more I see lightweight systems going completely serverless and just using lambdas - which are HTTP microservices.