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A little out of topic, but which tool would you recommend for just the basic video editing on Linux? Nothing fancy, just cutting and pasting videos together, possibly with some simple transitions? Thanks!

My wife (a music teacher) was a Mac only video editing person. She now uses Open Shot almost exclusively, even though for $40 I bought her Sony Vega (she was complaining about Open Shot at the time). I think Open Shot is a good gateway to Blender or other video editing tools. She does all her stay at home videos on Open Shot now because she can do it so quickly. I would say it took about a week to get really comfortable making simple videos.

Not OP, but I think OpenShot is made exactly for this kind of simpler editing. It's akin to Windows Movie Maker.

ffmpeg - you can do declarative editing combined with a Makefile. Clips can be previewed with `mpv --osd-fracitons` or equivalent.

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