He was probably looking at a data structure white papers/research. LFSR is good to use as a primary key for DB's./Linked lists(sequential numbers, no so great) I was working on an API along while ago using C.
I think this could be a mission for Redis and Node!
Anyone want to hack together a little API/framework for LFSR Generation?
A question I posted on SO some time back may be of interest, it solves a similar problem using an LCG (generating a shuffled range of numbers with no repeats):
It's really simple to program in ASM or using ISE/Verilog. going to a low tech approach it can be done on graph paper.
No reason why it's specific..Simple, 'easy to port'. I was doing a little bit of research about a theory I had but when I figured out enough I never fully completed that little project.+2 years prior.
I think this could be a mission for Redis and Node! Anyone want to hack together a little API/framework for LFSR Generation?