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It's impossible to not become a Steve Jobs fanboy.

Look at this guy. In shorts, discussing marketing for his company in a way which an average person can understand.

No bullshit. No paradigm shifting. No synergies. No Dilbert Speak.

This is part of why I think Steve Jobs is such a great spokesman for Apple as a company. He believes every word coming out of his mouth and that enthusiasm tends to be infectious.

Look at any presentations he's given, the iPad 2 launch comes to mind. After each of the software demos he'd come back on stage with this look of wonder on his face and it really affects the audience on a deep emotional level.

Okay, so the shorts pulled you out of it too? Everytime the video panned out I was like "Whoa, where are his pants!?"... then back to being mesmerized. Amazing talk.

I have managed it.

Another talk I find highly inspirational is his 2005 Stanford university commencement address.


Down boy, down.

I'd love to see a similar modern interview with him to compare and contrast... anyone know of one?

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