I'd like to see a cost comparison across different providers. A comparable v100 machine on Google Cloud is $2.015/hr, while Paperspace seems to charge 2.30/hr for a dedicated v100 (https://www.paperspace.com/pricing)
Google Cloud is very sneaky with their pricing as they don't include the instance itself in the advertised GPU pricing. Here's an instance very comparable in specs (8 vCPU, 30GB RAM, 1 V100, 50 GB SSD): https://cloud.google.com/products/calculator/#id=a9fbcab5-cb... It's $3.19/hr. The Linux version is $2.87/hr.
Thanks for this link, I've been going by the estimated cost on the Google Cloud VM deployment page which seems to give significantly lower prices than your link. With GC I always seem to end up paying a lot more than I planned to...