> Why does it have to be anonymous? The coronavirus is not HIV, there is no social stigma in knowing someone was infected.
Fear of contagion is strong and not always rational.
Healthcare workers in the UK have been attacked. Sometimes that was to get hold of their NHS ID badge, but at least once it was because the attacker didn't want covid-19 to be spread.
Maybe you work in an American office with me, a mentally unstable individual. You were the first person to get sick in the office, everyone knows it. Now I'm sick and my family is sick. Maybe I take a severe financial hit or someone is my family gets really sick, perhaps even dies. Now I'm VERY upset with you. Maybe I follow you to your car after work... maybe I follow you home. Maybe to the store. Either way, there's a gun in my waistband and I stopped giving a fuck. You sure you want me knowing you were patient zero?
Unfortunately, when you add severe mental health disorders into the mix you can't really follow this "logical implication" path you seem so hellbent on. Add to that the fact that we as a society tend to not treat these problems as an unfortunate disease (but treatable), and put down this part of our population as if they weren't humans too doesn't help either.
Yes, I too, like everyone else, have a trait that a many people would hate and if murder is legal, I would be dead already but I'm not so worry about it because fortunately murder is illegal and carry severe punishment. I understand its not perfect but at least significantly lower my concern.
It's anonymous, so nobody can learn your contact network as a side-effect of contact tracing. Your contact network much more valuable information than the fact that you have the virus.
People have been best for having been associated with outbreak regions in China India and the US. People have been attacked for looking different like Muslims in India or Black's/Whites in China, Asian in Europe/Americas.
Being different has always cause issue but we should not fix by hiding it but we should fix it by other way be it changing perception or find sameness among the difference, etc.
The biggest problem is exactly the fact that since it spreads so easily, it's impossible to reach all who have to been exposed