> "almost nothing matches the convenience, speed and _resolution_ of writing and drawing with an actual pen"
Absolutely agree, which is why I think attempting to reproduce that convenience on a digital system would be the wrong assumption to begin with. Pen and paper are special.
I think the issues you described in combination to the original solution I mentioned could be mitigated by dynamically increasing the image size. So instead of viewing the screen as your entire whiteboard, it grows as you add more drawings/notes to it. So for example, you have the phone and the white drawing board screen, you scribble f(x) = on the entire horizontal surface (thus circumventing the inherently low resolution issue of most touch-screens) and then the image width doubles and shifts your view to the newly created whitespace, and so on.
It's not a perfect solution, but I think it could and believe it would lead to the same desired results. It's a compromise between human convenience and adaptation to (pre-existing) physical machine restrictions.
On the topic of financing... maybe crowdfunding, then?
Absolutely agree, which is why I think attempting to reproduce that convenience on a digital system would be the wrong assumption to begin with. Pen and paper are special.
I think the issues you described in combination to the original solution I mentioned could be mitigated by dynamically increasing the image size. So instead of viewing the screen as your entire whiteboard, it grows as you add more drawings/notes to it. So for example, you have the phone and the white drawing board screen, you scribble f(x) = on the entire horizontal surface (thus circumventing the inherently low resolution issue of most touch-screens) and then the image width doubles and shifts your view to the newly created whitespace, and so on.
It's not a perfect solution, but I think it could and believe it would lead to the same desired results. It's a compromise between human convenience and adaptation to (pre-existing) physical machine restrictions.
On the topic of financing... maybe crowdfunding, then?