I like rails, but in js world may be not so good idea to reimplement or integrate everything related to ui, routing etc. Meteor.js was not very successful with this model. I think routing or UI on react-native/web/blessed/VR is too different to be part of one framework.
But I see the usefulness of framework with functionality related to data fetching and business logic.
I consider perfect stack for this things is Postgress->Hasura (or also Prisma)->mst-gql->mobx-state-tree. You create database schema and everything up to models on client is autogenerated and each part of this stack could be updated, customized or completely rewritten. This stack could be used on react-native or web or any other js platform.
If I remember correctly, React was only part of it. Lack of support for relational databases was a big issue as well. On top of that, people realized that they didn't need real time functionality and the overhead (and scaling) of mini-mongo et al was a difficult venture. Take with a grain of salt. This was all very long ago so my memory may not be accurate.
I like rails, but in js world may be not so good idea to reimplement or integrate everything related to ui, routing etc. Meteor.js was not very successful with this model. I think routing or UI on react-native/web/blessed/VR is too different to be part of one framework.
But I see the usefulness of framework with functionality related to data fetching and business logic.
I consider perfect stack for this things is Postgress->Hasura (or also Prisma)->mst-gql->mobx-state-tree. You create database schema and everything up to models on client is autogenerated and each part of this stack could be updated, customized or completely rewritten. This stack could be used on react-native or web or any other js platform.